Dec 16, 2004 03:25
Man, today was...... pretty gay. I woke up on the floor of Steve's bedroom this morning at 9 o'clock by his Grandmother telling me I had to move my car, and something about a giant oil truck. So I went outside where it was negative 4000 degrees, and moved my car so it wouldn't get crushed by the giant oil truck....or whatever. This event angered me because the night before I was assured by Steve that the place I chose to park was perfectly reasonable and I definitely would not have to wake up and move my car. Then I went back to sleep til like one or something, and went home. There, I played on my computer, and then Travis came over to my house for some reason and started talking to me and shit, and then he left. And then TJ called me on my cell phone, and he was calling me from work because Joe wanted him to call me and ask me to come in early. And then I told him no, and he was like, "alright", but then Joe took the phone and talked to me for like twenty minutes about how I need to come in early because it's so crazy and so busy, and then finally I just give in and stopped whatever I was doing and started getting ready for work and came in early. When I get there, Joe is like, "wow Matt, I'm really glad you came in early this is so great. Well.... there really isn't that much work here, so I think I'm going to start getting ready to go." And then, at some point when I wasn't paying attention, he just left. And that was it, and I was alone in the lab until 11. Jesus Christ. I wanted to end my life so bad at work tonight.
Then, I left. And went to Kyle's house and watched Fresh Prince of Bel Air and watched Kyle and Travis play Counter Strike til like 3 am. Now I am home. And I am pretty tired, but I don't really want to fall asleep.
SO I think I will tell you all about something. Well, Steve and I keep having this recurring conversation, and it has alot to do with a five pound burger. It all started when we went to Hardee's one night for no reason. While we where eating, we were marveling at how incredibly large the hamburgers where, and then I got started on talking about how cool it would be if they made a five pound burger. Think about it- it would be so good. But then, we decided why should it be a hamburger? Why not make it a steakburger? And I have come up with the way that we can make this possible. Let me paint a picture for you: A five pound Cylindrical cut of steak, cut right out of the cow with the patented "COW-KEY CUTTER". The idea of the cow-key cutter, is exactly the same as that of a cookie cutter. Except it is made to cut right through cow flesh. It basically would be like a giant razor sharp drill bit, that the farmer can then operate and shove it right into the cow, and then turn it and pull out exactly five pounds of beef in a perfect circle, which is then marinaded in fresh seasonings and slow-grilled over a charcoal fire. Served with lettuce, onion, tomato, cheese and a pickle. Fries and Coke extra. I think it's a pretty cool idea. I'm starting my own restaraunt..... next week.
Check it out.
While I was at work Steve told me that tonight he discovered that there is a Norweigan pagan death metal band call "Aisling". God.... why is Aisling so metal?
Tomorrow I am off, and that is neat. I think at like 6 o'clock or some shit I gotta be at home to like record Jessica's little sister playing piano or something. Before that I guess I'll just wake up at like 1 or 2 and then fuck around on the computer until I can hang out with Marj. Before she goes to that zoo party or what have you. ....... the zoo party that the zoo so rudely would not invite me or welcome me to. ..... which makes me very angry and bitter and vengeful. ........ and so I am going to burn down the zoo....all of week........right before I open my restaraunt.
Then Friday I have to close again. And so, I'll be at work til almost midnight and I'll hate my life and not get to do anything fun that day. Then... I don't remember when I work Saturday so I have no idea what's going on that day... My schedule is in the post before this.. I should check it. That's why I really put it there... not so much so that other people would know when I was working, but so I knew there was place where my schedule was written down and it was not in danger of going through the wash in my pants. Anyway, my next day off isn't til Christmas Eve... which is some weak sauce. But Joe said I can have off New Year's Day which is pretty frickin sweet. I wonder if anyone is doing anything cool New Year's Eve? Cause I know I'm not, unless someone else is doing something and they'll let me come. That's how I roll. Anyways... it don't matter.... none of this matters.......
I am le tired.