May 16, 2006 11:46
That was all I could manage to say whenever I was asked how my day went yesterday.
Yesterday was my first day of class, and even though I've only gone once, I am absolutely in love with my Spanish Film Studies class. You watch a movie, take a few notes on the symbolism and different archetypes and ideas that are present throughout the film, and then you discuss it with 4 of the most insightful people I have encountered in nearly six months.
No papers, no exams, just discussion, and with such a small class it's hard not to participate. At some point, it's just your turn to talk, and you do, and what you say makes someone think of something else, and what they say makes you think of something else and you don't even realize that this so seemingly natural discussion is the actual "work".
And then the class ends, and you want more.
I haven't been so excited about going to class in possibly the last 8 years.
On top of all this I got a chance to see the place I'll be staying this summer and it is, in a word, sweet. My own bedroom and bathroom and a 2nd story deck connecting to my bedroom. I can't wait to sit out there on late nights and just waste the night away talking to whoever about whatever. And on top of that, it's just so nice to have my own space again.
I am extremely happy to be back. I couldn't have asked for a better situation to welcome me.