Nov 02, 2007 20:05

Who: Kirihara Akaya and Zaizen Hikaru
What: a random Chat
Where: Tachibana's music store
When: Nov 1st

Zaizen: *carefully cleaning the grout around the cash register with a toothbrush*
Kirihara:*waltzes in and sets down a can of Ponta on the counter, grins*
zaizen: *blinks up, eyes waltzing swishy gay man and then the ponta* Ehehehe, you've gotta be Kirihara-san. Yo.
Kirihara:Hey. I hope you like grape cuz that's all I found.
Zaizen: *grins at him a little shyly and picks it up, sauntering around the counter* Oh, totally. Favorite kind. Have a seat on the...well. The couch is a little...how about that chair?
Kirihara:*knows how dirty couches can be, sits on the chair* So. 17 huh?
Zaizen: *flops on the couch, doesn't care about tachibana cooties by now* Yeah. *grin* Best year ever, or so I hope.
Kirihara:Nah, wait til you're 20. That's pretty fucking awesome.
Zaizen: Really? *large blink, regarding the other guy curiously* What happened to you when you turned 20?
Kirihara:Eh? Nothing special, cept that you get to drink and whatnot.
Zaizen: *considers this with a grin* Can't be better than getting laid.
Kirihara:Hmmm. I guess that's true.
Zaizen: What was your 20th birthday like? Last year, my 16th sucked. Mom made me a cake -- and that was it.
Kirihara:My 20th? Got smashed with Yuuta... uh, I mean, Kamio and Shinji. *oops, yuuta is underage*
Zaizen: *grins* Yuuta? I know him. Met him late at night when we were both coming back from concerts.
Kirihara:Oh yea? He's a good guy, but don't tell him I said that.
Zaizen: *puzzled, but fine* Yeah. Cute, too. But kinda slack. I might've asked him out if Kencha hadn't gotten to me first. *grin*
Zaizen: *opens his ponta and drinks, completely unaware that he might've said something weird*
Zaizen: *blinks* What?
Zaizen: *shrugs* okay. *sips ponta* thanks ^.^ the sugar high will keep me awake. *beams at kirihara*
Kirihara:So whatcha got planned for your birthday? Since you seem all excited and stuff.
Zaizen: *frown* I don't fucking know. Kencha won't tell me. It's a big sekrit or something.
Zaizen: *shrug* my guy.
Kirihara:Oh. Kencha is a funny name...
Zaizen: *smile* childhood nickname. He used to be my babysitter.
Zaizen: *chuckles, blushing a little, hiding it behind the ponta*
Kirihara:*grins* What's he do for a living?
Zaizen: He's in the fucking CIA. *grin, can't tell anyone who Oshitari Kenya is or what he does, or Kenya's career will be in jeopardy*
Kirihara:CIA? What the fuck is that?
Zaizen: *facepalm* Just a euphemism. I can't tell anyone who he is, or he'll get in trouble.
Kirihara:Oh. So, he's someone famous then? *tries to think of any Kencha's he might have heard of*
Zaizen: *shrug, nod* Kinda. Are you with somebody too?
Kirihara:Mmhm *nods* But it's a secret! Since I'm all famous and whatnot.
Zaizen: *blinks* You too? Damn, every person I meet is famous somehow. I'm beginning to think I'm the only high school kid.
Kirihara:...You mean, you don't even know who I am?
Zaizen: *squints at him* Ohhh...you're THAT dude. cool. *is too cool to be overawed*
Kirihara:*blinks* You mean, you didn't know?
Zaizen: Eh *shrug* took me a moment to put it together.
Kirihara:*feels so uncool all of a sudden*
Zaizen: *has been around a lot of musicians, actors and famous people lately, is feeling like it's just how everybody is for some reason*
Zaizen: *drinks ponta and blinks curiously at kirihara* So, you're dating someone? Are you gay too?
Kirihara:*twitches* I guess so. *had 'gay' issues in the beginning*
Zaizen: yeah. Me too. :p So hm. You must be the um...*trying to figure out if Kirihara tops, but totally can't* *brain breaks*
Kirihara:Must be what?
Zaizen: *eyeroll* a man-bitch, like Gakuto-senpai. *GRIN*
Kirihara:... a WHAT?
Zaizen: *laughing at kirihara's expression, loves how teasable the other guy seems to be* ...the uke. I can't ever figure out who ukes in gay relationships.
Kirihara:... *grumbles, doesn't really have anything to say to that cuz yeah, he is*
Zaizen: *hides his snickers behind the ponta* Hey, at least you've HAD sex. :-(
Kirihara:Lots and lots and lots of times *rubs it in to get back at him*
Zaizen: *starts to pout now*
Kirihara:Like, everyday. Several times.
Zaizen: damn. it's a wonder you have any asshole left. o.o
Kirihara:*sputters* Eww, don't be thinking about my ass, thanks!
Zaizen: ...............*reasonable voice* you brought up sex, and that's how gay people screw. what else am I supposed to think about? o.o
Kirihara:Doesn't mean you have to visualize it, pervert.
Zaizen: *blank* I don't think I got graphic or anything
Zaizen: *sighs* so does it hurt?
Kirihara:Eh? Uh... kinda. Maybe? The first time, I was so drunk I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.
Zaizen: *dryly* right, so no drinking for first sex.
Kirihara:*shrugs* I didn't feel a thing. Or remember a thing... Punched him in the eye in the morning though *grins*
Zaizen: *blinks, then laughs heartily, spilling a little of his ponta* Oh--shit, I can just imagine it.
Kirihara:It was great, though he wasn't too happy. Coulda gotten in trouble at work. Lucky for him, makeup can cover a black eye.
Zaizen: *looks at the clock and stretches* Hey. Break time is over. *grins at Kirihara* Nice to meet you. ...Makeup. *laughs ass off again*
Kirihara:Yeah, sure. Have a good birthday. *abandoned, goes off to bother Tachibana about guitar strings*
Zaizen: *sighs, gets back to work and tries not to think about how nervous he feels*
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