Bills to cancel fees for developers during recession? Take action!

Mar 23, 2009 14:35

There was a hearing on last Wednesday, March 18, 2009 on legislation with the PZED Committee and with no doubt would have passed through without opposition. It has been tabled until Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 1:30 pm. So if you believe that we should be getting fees from developers/development per the current law to help boost the county income, write to or call your legislator TODAY!

Community activists who attended Wed.'s hearing felt that this was another example of developers appealing to council people via campaign contributions and not for the good of the people.

The bills are both county and state. CB-07/08/CB-09-2009 in the county and HB Bill 921 EMERGENCY BILL Crossfiled with: SENATE BILL 958 in the state.

PZED Committee Members:
Samuel H. Dean, Chair,
Eric C. Olson, Vice Chair,
Marilynn M. Bland, Chair of Council
Thomas E. Dernoga (the only one who spoke against these bills)
Camille A. Exum,
Tony Knotts, sponsors of CB-09-2005 and CB-09-2009,
Andrea Harrison, Present and on PZED Committee on 3/18/09,

HB921 assigned to
Environmental Matters Committee
Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair
Delegate James E. Malone Jr., Vice Chair

SB958 assigned to Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee
Senator Joan Carter Conway, Chair
Senator Roy P. Dyson, Vice Chair

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