I was asked to "Please pass on to your membership the details of the attached PEPCO initiative.":
The CFL bulbs may be purchased at a discount from Home Depot and COTSCO. (Ace Hardware is expected to be an additional source in the near future). The discount is $1.50 per bulb and $3.00 per multipack. PEPCO estimates the cost saving per bulb as $42.00 over the life of the bulb, 7 years. To offset the cost of the program, each PEPCO is authorized to assess each customer a surcharge of .000039 cent per 1000 kilowatt hours. Use of these bulbs will decrease demand and a decrease in demand will result in lower overall rates for utility customers.
It doesn't say how you get the discount. I wonder if SMECO customers could also get this discount. Some southern parts of the county use SMECO. With the high bills we've been getting, everything helps. It looks like PEPCO customers will be charged for this plan whether or not they use it.
Note: they misspelled Costco, not me.
Also from PEPCO:
Pepco Holdings, Inc. (PHI) announced today the launch of
http://www.powerpathway.com as an educational tool for the community to learn more about the Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway (MAPP).
MAPP is a new 230-mile 500-kilovolt transmission line that will serve Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and Virginia. Regional investor-owned utilities, electric cooperatives and municipal-owned electric companies will all draw power from this line to meet customers’ increasing energy needs.
“This Web site is part of our commitment to keeping the community updated and informed on the progress we are making. We look forward to continuing our communication efforts with local residents throughout the construction of this project,” said William Gausman, Vice President, Asset Management.
More info here.
Remember to check other news and posts here.