Stormwater Management Retrofit Legislation #princegeorges #maryland

Jun 08, 2012 12:59

The following is being passed around for support. It looks like a good environmental program if the money is spent right and residents really want to see this happen. Run-off is apparently a big pollutant to our rivers and we have major watersheds all over Prince George's County.

Summary of Proposed Stormwater Management Retrofit Legislation as Currently Drafted

What is being proposed?
A stormwater retrofit rebate program provides rebates for residents, businesses, and non-profit organizations who install green stormwater retrofits on private and public property.

What projects can be done to receive rebates?
The legislation establishes rebates for tree plantings, rain barrels, cisterns, rain gardens, permeable pavers, pavement removal, and green roofs.  Residential property owners can do multiple projects until they hit a $2,000 rebate ceiling, while commercial property owners can do multiple projects up to a $20,000 rebate ceiling.  Non-profits can do “community projects” on public property up to a $20,000 ceiling that resets annually.

What is the benefit of having this program?
This program will make green infrastructure projects affordable to communities that otherwise wouldn’t be able to do it.  A wide adoption of green stormwater retrofits can raise property values, improve air quality, create green jobs, conserve water, and help restore local watersheds. The County is planning to undertake over $800 million worth of retrofits over the next decade in order to meet Clean Water Act requirements and achieve one of President Obama’s signature initiatives:  cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.  While the County must undertake many retrofits on public property, residents can benefit from implementing some of these retrofits on their property.

How much funding is available?
The legislation sets aside $3 million annually in the Stormwater Enterprise Fund beginning in FY 2014, while allowing up to 10% of that set amount to be spent on technical assistance for managing the program.  The County is currently projecting a $60 million fund balance in the Stormwater Enterprise Fund for FY 2013.  The program is expected to grow in popularity over time, any unexpended funds available at the end of the fiscal year revert back to the Stormwater Enterprise Fund.

How will the program be administered?
The program will be administered by the Department of Environmental Resources.  Staff with technical expertise will establish best practice guidelines for each type of project, and inspect completed projects prior to issuance of a rebate.

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environment, prince george's, maryland

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