Right Where It Belongs, Nine Inch Nails

Dec 25, 2006 19:52

Crunchmas has come and gone.
I fucking hate it.
With a passion.
I know, I know... *raises hands defensively* Some of you heard me say that I was going to stop ragging on the season... I had said that, since it really doesn't hurt me in any way, and so many of my loved ones enjoy it, I can put my angst where it belongs... HERE!
But, alas, I got to thinking about it... And this season does hurt me. Rather, what people do to it.
The human animal is a fucking consumer-monkey.
For three-hundred-sixty-five days a year, we know Christmas is coming. And for three-hundred-sixty of those days, no one fucking SHOPS for their pithy offerings to one another. It drives me mental that these half-baked trundlefucks citywide need to turn this into such a huge fucking ordeal.
I know, it is well within my power to leave retail. I know this, and fuck you.
The fact is, kids, it isn't that people are buying each other presents that pisses me off... It isn't the false-sense of caring that only has to come once a year... ((God, can you imagine the shit-storm that would be caused if someone held people accountable for their year of assholery toward the needy, and how a couple of days of cheer really don't stack up? Christ on a bicycle...))
Y'know, it isn't even that loathesome music pumped perpetually into my ears... though that doesn't help.
It is, simply, that while these mentally-vacant broken-condoms wander from retailer to retailer, they do so without any regard for we poor fuckers on our end of the counter, or even their fellow shopper. "Why is the debit machine taking so long? I want that last item that the person before me took! What do you mean you don't have that in stock!"
The very worst part of it is this: YOU MOUTHBREATHING WHOREHOPPERS DO THIS YEAR ROUND! I've usually got it in me, though, through copious amounts of sex, chocolate, and gaming to put up with the ignorant disregard for common courtesy thrown at me day after day.
But if you get enough wastes of flesh in one place, it truly is bound to overwhelm even the most centered, tolerant of people. And I am anything but that.
So, rather than ending on the natural note this post would normally conclude with... ((Which is, really, a stream of babble, the only coherent words of which would probably be "fornicate", "Seal", and various members of your family.)) I will attempt to finish with something gentler.
Remember, year round, that those waiting your tables, pumping your gas, and otherwise serving you throughout your day are doing so in order to survive. This makes them no lower or less than you. But it does make them angrier. Meaner... and often far more mentally prepared to do you harm than you are to them.
Keep that in mind, fucko.
Fuck Christmas, I'm out.
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