This week, we asked our volunteers why they signed up to turn out voters through Call for Change. We were especially struck by Ginmar's story and asked her to share it with you. Ginmar (who asked us not to use her real name) is a reservist in the Army, but she's writing now only as a private citizen. If her message moves you, too, please
sign up to call voters at: Dear fellow MoveOn member,
I believed the lie. As an Army reservist, I went to Iraq to protect America from weapons of mass destruction. But when I got there, I soon discovered there were no WMDs and no plan for us to succeed. I endured 12 months of combat and barely made it out alive.
We can't change the past. But in two days, we can change the future. This Republican Congress must be fired because they are still putting their own egos above the truth-and above human lives.
This election is our last chance to show what happens when politicians use fear and lies to start a war. If they get away with it this time, they'll do it again. But if it costs them their power, we can send a message to future politicians in the only language they understand-and stop the next unnecessary war before it begins. The choice is ours.
I'm calling voters today from home. Will you join me? On the morning of September 11th, 2001, I watched the attack on the World Trade Center with a special horror because the people killed were all civilians without training, arms, or defense. I called my unit that afternoon and begged, "Wherever this came from, send me there."
But that's not where they sent me. They sent me to Iraq.
Around a month into my tour, my small unit was ambushed by hundreds of insurgent fighters at a Coalition Provisional Authority base. The local security force (hired by corporate mercenaries) deserted immediately, taking guns and radios with them.
We were besieged for 22 straight hours under a steady stream of small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades. Forces from multiple nations attempted rescues throughout the night. At dawn, when morning prayers created a pause in the attack, we managed to escape with our lives.
I spent the next 11 months doing convoys, writing reports, and getting to know the real Iraq. I talked to hundreds of Iraqis; many became true friends. I saw the rage after Abu Ghraib. And I saw way too many innocent civilians die as the country slipped further and further over the edge.
The troops I served with suffered from limited ammunition, armor, resources, and staff. While we brushed our teeth in dirty water recycled from the showers, Halliburton reps got rich off contracts handed to them by their Republican friends back in Washington.
Reservists like me risk our lives when Congress says we must-and we need citizens like you to hold them accountable when they betray that trust.
This Tuesday is our very last chance to do that. It's the last chance for Americans to stand up and say we will not forget, we will not excuse, and we will not let this betrayal happen again.
For my fellow troops still in the field, for the thousands who have yet to put on the uniform, and for the hopes we all have for a peaceful world-it's time to Call for Change.
-Ginmar, concerned citizen
Sunday, November 5th, 2006
P.S. You can sign up to make turnout calls from home by clicking here: And if you want to send a personal note of support to Ginmar to let her know she inspired you to Call for Change, we'll be happy to pass it on. Just write to PAID FOR BY
MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.