Harper Government is now Toast

Dec 02, 2008 00:47

He just couldn't keep his ego in check. Before the election he had governed the longest minority government in the history of the country and then arbitrarily called an election (usually, minority governments fall which triggers and involuntary but mandatory election). So Harper goes to the polls and gets an increased minority. Had he not insulted Quebecers by announcing he was canceling arts funding, he would have gotten a slim majority.

So now, fresh off an election victory, he attempts to drive stakes through the hearts of the opposition parties by cutting their public funding. That, and dragging his heels on a stimulus package that practically every other developed country has initiated (and even developing nations like China) to combat the global financial crisis.

Harper should have taken his second minority government result as a clear sign that he MUST be moderate, not partisan, in his governing policies. Yet, he just couldn't do it.

So, his prime ministerial leadership is at an end and due completely to his own arrogance.

Can he resurrect himself politically? There is always that possibility. Trudeau was as arrogant as any human being could be and he rebounded from the 1979 election loss. But the right environment has to be there (like a weak opposition) in addition to an opportunity (like no successors waiting in the wings of his own party) to make a comeback.

I think after his government falls, he'll have a party revolt on his hands and be ousted as the leader.
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