Apr 27, 2004 19:34
Damn tv sucks... the only good shows are like sitcoms. You know like Signfeld good show. Or like *M*A*S*H* another good one. But the bestester of all that I wait for every week is SCRUBS! Thats a funny show I put that at number two on my list right under family guy. Its on tuesdays at 9:30. ITS THE DAMN SHIZZLENET!! so funnny. its sad how i count on tv for entertainment, but not all of my entertainment. I like to make funny voices for when i pick up the fone so if its someone I dont like, telemarketers...my brothers gf...teachers...my parents..., i could mess with them. Like just two minutes ago a telemarketer called and i made that voice of that guy from the simpsons that had a stroke, HELOoo. and then the people are laughing but they try to keep it in. ill give u an example because i have no life...
telemarketer:*chuckle* hello is mr.alberto brats home? (they always say my last name wrong)
ME: WHYyy NOoo madam
telemarketer:hehe well ill hehe call back later than
ME: EXCuse me. ARe YOU laughing at the way i TTTALKK?
telemarketer: no mam i am not (backround laughs)
ME: YOUu will appologize for calling me a WOman when i AM clearY a MAn
telemarketer:okay im sorry sir
ME: YOUu know its not nice to make fun of the handicapped? You dont point and laugh at wheelchair children doOO YOUU??
telemarketer:hehe no sir
ME: you should try it some time its fun
from then on out she was all nice and then when she said by i said it in my normal voice then she started to crack up. its good entertainment..unlike reality tv. and to give you a tip if u wanna mess with telemarketers make sure its them first then make it seem like you are ordering a pizza. like just start saying "i wanna large pepperoni with extra cheese and....HEY WOMAN WHAT DO U WANT ON YOUR PIZZA?" then they will laugh at you then just roll with it from there. good fun oh yea if u dont know the simpsons character im talking about watch the simpsons or just ask me to do it. oh yea i almost forgot I LOVE PUDDING!!