Jan 28, 2006 21:45
Well, I WAS going to write my first friends-only post and try spilling my guts on LiveJournal. Then I remember who I was and laughed for a good five minutes.
THIRD PLACE, PEOPLE! The Walter Williams Science Bowl Team got third place and a sweet as trophy at the regionals. Silly Raleigh Charter. We left Friday after school and, after a brief little introduction, checked into our hotel rooms. Katherine was sick that day, so she didn't show up. This gave Paige her own room. Brendon was odd man out and supposed to have gotten a room with some other team, but no one showed, so he got a room to himself as well. Ms. Haines...Same story as Brendon. So I got to room with Alex. It was cool. And the complimentary tea was good. After getting set into our rooms, we changed for a 'semi-formal' dinner. Brendon had an extra tie and, compared to him, I felt under-dressed, so I borrowed it. Dark tie + dark button down shirt + Jason = Nazi youth. As for how formal this dinner was, our table was probably the best dressed...which isn't saying much. Two Raleigh Charter kids had to sit at our table because they didn't have room at their table. They tried to build a tower out of ice and salt. 'Nough said. Alex stole a vegetarians meal and forced them to eat chicken. That was pretty cool. Then he beasted us at Risk. That was not so awesome. There's a lot to this story and I don't feel like telling it all, so just know we got third place in the regionals while East Chapel Hill got first and Raleigh Charter got second.
I want to leave a senior Last Will and Testament, but I don't really know what to say that will be under 50 words in length. How do you condense 4 years into 50 words!?
"I'm learning to fly/But I ain't got wings."
Tata's dead. Father put her down Friday, and, for the most part, seems to blame me.
I've also lost [possibly temporarily] the rights to the van since that tags have been taken off. I suppose I'll need a ride or start taking the bus.
My right eye is bruised. However, as the bruise fades, so do some of the lessons it taught me in that flash of stars. Pity.
I FINALLY got the FLCL song! It's called Little Busters by The Pillows and Sonia gave it to me. Sweet as!
I need to step up on this whole Dreaming Tree thing. I've got some poems and a short story, but all my recent stuff is too personal and, in my opinion, stupid.
Don't get me [or really anyone in English IV AP for that matter] started on the topic of english papers. Garrison is insane. In the membrane.
"Living so witty
Witty and wise
Like lights in a city
Outshining the skies"
Just to make sure everyone gets it, "sweet as" stands for "sweet as..." where the "..." can be replaced with something really, really sweet. This means that anything "sweet as" is sweeter than anything and hence, really, really , REALLY sweet.
I seem to be regressing. It was a nice reprieve, but certain triggers have started aspects of myself to reappear.
"Twisted with sin
Smoothed by a lover
War raged within
Glass be it's cover."
Sorry, I'm a little poetic tonight. At least I'm leaving the generally aloof stuff.