Ferris Needham's Day Off

Dec 05, 2005 16:58

Ok, ok, ok...*sigh*...I guess it's about time I let anyone who hasn't heard yet know something....

1:51 am, November 12th, 2005 - I had left Heather-Banshee's house with Brett in the passenger seat of Marie's 2004 Stratus.  Then...I get pulled by the police.  Two counts against me.  First, what seemed to initially catch the cop's attention, going 47 in a 35 zone and second for failing to stop at a stop sign.  The court date was set for today.

Woke up at 7 and eventually got dressed with some nice shoes and black dress-ish pants and a button-down dress shirt and a tie [I always tend to over-dress].  Then I put on the giant brace for sympathy points and headed out into the cold rain to face whatever consequences may await me.  Originally, Father and Marie told me to ask for a continuance because we didn't have an attorney.  However, when we got there, the guy in charge had a different idea...

First, he made fun of the officer for giving me two tickets for the same thing.  Then he asked if there was an accident with the stop sign [I guess because I was on crutches and had the huge brace] and I said no so he dismissed it.  One count down.  For the speeding, he said I had two choices.  He could lower it to nine over, which would basically be the same dismissing it and wouldn't take off any points on my license, or give me a PFC [I'm not really sure if that's it but it was something similar].  This was also basically the same as dismissing it and wouldn't take any points off OR raise the insurance at all.  I asked him what the repercussions of each choice would be and he couldn't tell me because he was paid by the state and wasn't allowed.  So I went with the PFC.  So both counts were dismissed I suppose and I didn't have to pay a fine.  Just the court cost.  $110. Ouch.

Go home and fast-forward three hours [naps are great!].

Time for the doctors appointment.  Not much to say really.  Waited a while.  Took my stitches out.  I can take a real shower for the first time in about a week and a half after the next 24 hours.  I was going to get signed up for physical therapy but the Armor says I have to wait another two weeks because of the meniscus needs time to get better....or...something...

I <3 the magnetosphere.  But do you realize that solar particles are ripping away parts of our atmosphere ALL the time.  Kind of scary...

"Your father and I know that you have been...*looks around and leans in* intimate."  That's still making me laugh.
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