*Auspex is in the main hall of the sanctuary, putting another entry into her journal. She is alert for visitors, as always*
I had thought that my last encounter with Unicron was unpleasant. I'd said it could have been much worse. I have now discovered how much worse it could have been.
This was something I will not soon forget.
To have Chaos incarnate, feeling his way into one's mind with thought tendrils like fingers, tainting what he's touched... *she shivers again, for what seems like the hundredth time* It was far too close, and too painful. No one has ever done such a thing to me, aside from Primus himself, and his presence is welcome. This was pure invasion. Thank you, great lord Primus, my refuge, for keeping me safe! Otherwise... I doubt I would have lived through that. Thank you also for
bringing me solace.
But it seems that unease is never very far from my spark. I was meditating, when I felt a very odd... pull, an echo of what Primus himself was encountering. He revealed that five of his sparks -- only one of whom I have not personally met -- and the Matrix itself! -- had been pulled away from him. Not terminated (they would be in the Allspark, and he would know); they had been forcibly wrenched away, and now were simply gone, as if they had never existed. Later,
I received a transmission from Metroplex, from the dimension with the current truce, that stated that Rodimus Prime was missing... when I asked further, I found that the human ambassador's son had been kidnapped, and Rodimus had led a rescue party consisting of himself and four others, to retrieve him. I've come to know Cureall quite well, as I encounter her often in the Nexus, and I've worked with Perceptor, who has a difficult problem with his spark (although he seems to have recently spark-bonded with Wheeljack!). Rodimus and Wheelie I have spoken to on occasion, but I have not met Wheeljack at all. But -- oh, what could have happened to them?? Neither they nor the boy returned.
Needless to say, Primus was, and is, angry (he does not approve of outside forces misusing his children, or his objects of power!), the sparks of the former Matrix-bearers are dismayed that they seem to have lost one of their own, as well as their communication tool, ordained to them by Primus... and I am very distressed. If they were anywhere in existence, Primus would find them, and even he cannot. The manner of their disappearance, the way it felt spiritually, is also very disturbing. The strange thing is, I recall this happening before... with four sparks, and the Matrix. As I am not privy to the higher security issues of either faction (although that appears to be changing slightly, with the Nexus influence), I never learned what the circumstances were. I only know that there was a similar pulling again, this time in Primus's direction... and they simply existed again, as though nothing had happened. At the time, even Primus did not know the circumstances at first... he did learn, when his children were returned to him, that they had been alive and well during their absence, but he has not revealed the reason to me, presumably because he can do nothing to change the circumstances, now that they've occurred. I only know that the situation had been righted, in the past, and can be so again. But my friends are out from the protection of their deity, and I am frightened for them...
((originally dated 2006-10-19 14:04:00))