*Auspex returns from the Nexus, looking rather shaken. She immediately makes a beeline to the central mosaic, and kneels before it, fingers poking absently at the tilework. Optics dimmed, she turns to Primus.*
My lord and Creator... I have encountered a...
rather disturbing event while I was in the Nexus today. An Autobot named Bumblebee came to the Nexus, asking a rather sensitive question, reguarding Daniel, and Cureall, apparently, although he made a few hints about Wheelie as well. I'm still not entirely sure what it was all about, but suffice it to say that Bumblebee was not being entirely tactful. I've noticed that Perceptor has developed a very close relationship with Cureall, similar to those who were created as siblings. Daniel's father was quite upset at what Bumblebee was proposing, and, it was quite evident when Perceptor arrived, that he was angry as well, but to a rather frightening extent, given his personality. You've revealed to me that something is greatly troubling Perceptor, though I do not know the exact nature of the problem. But he nearly threatened Bumblebee, and I gently suggested that he stay calm at the same moment Bumblebee decided to flee, and Perceptor ingored me completely and stormed away. I don't know him terribly well, my lord Primus, but this does not seem consistant with his personality at all. I am worried about him. He seems to be hiding a great darkness in his spark, and the damage is starting to show on the surface, and it will only worsen as it continues. I want to help him, my lord... I need to speak with him, as soon as possible, and I sense that is your will... but I don't know where he has gone. Please, Lord Primus, tell me where he is. I want to serve you, and help mend what ails your children. Please direct me, and, if it is your will that I find Perceptor, allow him to be receptive to your light, as I attempt to serve him and you.
*She falls silent, communicating without words, just allowing Primus to envelope her mind in his presence. Slowly, concepts begin to form. Autobot City... grass, trees, a body of water, a strange organic creature, with long legs, a flowing tail, tapered, graceful head, adorned with a single horn... What is that? Back to the grass, more grass, a slow sense of tracing a path from the entrance of the Autobots' base, over grass, into woods, among great trees, a pond... and a Cybertronian sitting beside it.* Lord Primus, show me the way, be with me. Let my words be what you would have me say. Guide me, so I will not lose my way.
*She silently communicates with her god for a few more moments, centering herself, before activating her optics. She is greatful that Perceptor showed her how to get to the Autobot base, after the ordeal with Void, or she might not have been able to find him at all... Stepping out of the sanctuary again, she begins her little journey.