5 Things... gacked from just about everyone!

Sep 17, 2004 21:22

Sorry, it's a bit long... someone tell me how to do that 'cut' thingy, eh?

5 Things You May Not Know About My Time in School:
1. Like boriel, I moved a lot - 14 different schools so I was perpetually the 'new kid.' This made me disappear into my books all the more.
2. I was a 'drama bug' and lived all four years of high school on the stage, though I never did land a leading role (my drama coach wanted leads to be thinner).
3. I competed in forensics clear through college, specializing in Poetry interpretation, and once dreamed of being a Speech coach but was intimidated by Debate.
4. As a singer, I was in choirs, regular and jazz clear into college also - good heavens - now I wonder how I ever had time to study too!
5. I have a degree in Psych and speech communication - but I've never earned a dime with it.

5 Things You May Not Know About The Jobs I Have Had:
1. I slogged through summers in doing cannery work with berries. I couldn't eat a raspberry for years afterwards. Yuck!
2. I worked at three candy stores, and loved it because everyone is in a good mood when they are coming in for a treat. I highly recommend candy stores, good fun. Also means I'm very picky about my chocolate.
3. I did temp work at Apple computer in it's early days, back when every Friday was a beer party. My hubby helped develop Hypercard, and we did once nabbed a Mac from a dumpster there.
4. When I was little I wanted to either be a librarian or tame wild horses. Now I'm a librarian, but I haven't a horse in sight. Oh well...
5. I am planning to sell books online and dream now of having a little bookstore for classical and children's books someday.

5 Things you May Not Know About My Online Life:
1. I eat my breakfast while checking my email and archiving in the early morning.
2. I had never even sent an email before I began searching for info on LOTR online and ended up at the Fanclub.
3. I am very limited in what I can do, learning HTML from scratch, but people assume my running a website makes me an expert and keep asking me questions anyway.
4. I spend so many hours keeping up with administrative things like the archives and moderating that I don't have much time to respond or write - but it's my own fault, so I can't complain to anyone about it.
5. I had a second persona at the old boards, and sometimes used that as well as my daughter's accounts (she had two) to play around more than folk knew.

5 Things you May Not Know About Where I Live:
1. It really doesn't rain all the time - just....most of the time.
2. It is green, vibrantly, lushly green. All year. Squishy and green.
3. We have lots of fun Indian names that out-of-state folk can't pronounce right. (Like "Oregon" - I mean, c'mon, get it right!)
4. Blackberry bushes will take over *anything* and turn it into a bramble-mound if you let them.
5. Yes, there really are coffee stands everywhere - and I mean, everywhere.

5 Things You May Not Know About My Personality:
1. I tend to help run things, but perpetually feel left out of the socializing.
2. I would rather have a good book of poetry than just about any active activity.
3. I get along with almost anyone from almost any walk of life, though I have a hard time dealing with harsh or crude language in large doses.
4. I am a morning person and my favorite time of day is in the quiet beauty of sunrise.
5. I can sometimes talk too much and don't seem to realize when I should just shut up and leave someone alone, or leave their house and go home.

5 Things You May Not Know I Would Really Like to Have Are:
1. A walk-in closet so I don't have to hang my dresses in my kid's closet.
2. A bookstore with a tea shop on the side.
3. A real, lighted cabinet for all my LOTR stuff - and more stuff to fill it with!
4. Original works of art - not prints, not copies - originals!
5. An art studio of my very own.... sigh...

5 Embarrassing Fannish Admissions:
1. I swooned over my shovel after Sean Astin used it to dig in the garden in Beaverton. Even though he broke my hammer too. Hubby, rolling eyes: "Ooooh! He used *my* shovel!"
2. Being caught gazing at Those Eyes online, and having my daughter join me in it.
3. Most geeky possession ever: I have a single mane-hair of Shadowfax that Des brought me from NZ - and I keep it in a special container all by itself, labeled.
4. I've begged store clerks shamelessly for odd things, like an empty Decipher-card box because it had Aragorn on it, and a Blockbuster gift card, given to me with no charge on it because I couldn't pass up Frodo and Sam that way.
5. I've shrieked "EEEeeeee!" at the sight of LOTR actors very briefly on television.
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