Today, June 20th, 20__
Nickname: Cassiopeiae
Chatroom: Hyades
Password: **********
You have entered chatroom “Hyades”.
Users Present: Betelgeuse, Antares, starchyld
starchyld: hi Cass!
Antares: Welcome, Tiffany.
Cassiopeiae: Hi
starchyld: are we ready to start?
Antares: Joon’s AFK. Give him a minute.
Cassiopeiae: Start what, exactly?
starchyld: start the meeting…
Cassiopeiae: Since when do we have meetings here?
Cassiopeiae: How long have you been meeting here?
Antares: Just a few times.
Cassiopeiae: The whole purpose of meeting in one place is so we’re all on the same page. If you meet here too and don’t invite everyone, that’s being on different pages
Antares: It’s not a meeting, Tiffany. It’s just to tie up loose ends.
Cassiopeiae: Zula, this has been agreed upon
Antares: Yes, we’ve agreed that the meetings at the John Brower center are good but sometimes things come up that can be taken care of online.
Cassiopeiae: No meetings without all Sophomores present. You were there when we went over this
starchyld: damn guys....
Antares: Excellent. We’re all here; we’re just waiting for Joon.
Cassiopeiae: Kenneth isn’t here, Zula
Antares: I’ll fill him in. Or you will. Don’t you think you’re overreacting?
Cassiopeiae: The only reason I even found out about this is because Paula let it slip
starchyld: ehhhh sorry people, I didn’t mean to cause shit…
Antares: It’s not your fault, Paula.
Cassiopeiae: What is she doing here anyway? No offense, Paula, but this is irregular
Cassiopeiae: We have these rules for a reason
starchyld: none taken :)
Betelgeuse has returned from Away.
Antares: You’re acting like there’s a conspiracy. Getting together online to go over details between meetings at the JBC does not a conspiracy make.
Betelgeuse: Sorry-i’m back
Antares: WB, Joon.
starchyld: wb
starchyld: zula and Tifany are fighting!
Betelgeuse: hi Tiffany
Cassiopeiae: Joon, you know better
Betelgeuse: let me read
Betelgeuse: ok look, this shouldn’t take more than five minutes. aaturday we can go over shit with Kenneth and see what he thinks
Betelgeuse: saturday
Cassiopeiae: We wait for him
Antares: I don’t have all night. Waiting forever defeats the purpose of a quick huddle.
Cassiopeiae: Tough.
starchyld: doo be doo be doo
Stargazer has entered chatroom “Hyades”.
Cassiopeiae: Hi
Antares: Welcome, Kenneth.
starchyld: hi Kenn
Stargazer: Hey guys
Betelgeuse: sup
Antares: Shall we?
Stargazer: so looks like I didn’t get the memo
Cassiopeiae: They were going to do this without you
Stargazer: lol
Betelgeuse: glad you’re here, Kenneth. I was gonna sum this up for you saturday
Stargazer: cool. Hope that day you’ll have the summary for all five meetings I wasn’t at
Betelgeuse: np
Antares: If we thought it was anything terribly important we’d make sure to let the Sophomores know.
Cassiopeiae: Why don’t you let the Sophomores determine what’s important, Zula? Or by “We” do you mean the Sophomores are you and Joon only, now?
Antares: Well, here we are.
starchyld: people this isnt helping
Stargazer: who’s starchyld?
Antares: Paula.
Cassiopeiae: Paula
Stargazer: …OK
starchyld: :(
Betelgeuse: k folks obviously this isn’t a good idea. Ken i’m just trying to be pro active and fnid a way to keep Shinji and Brian from quitting, they may not even come to the constellation next time from what Farid says
Antares: I happen to know they’re talking each other out of ever coming back. We have to act now.
Stargazer: Why?
Antares: Because we’re about to lose two young stars to the darkness.
Betelgeuse: a good sit down or two with them can bring them around. they could use a talk from you KEn, give them a touch session?
Stargazer: We’re prison keepers now? Davidians?
Antares: No one’s suggesting they can’t leave if that’s what they want.
Cassiopeiae: That’s exactly what you’re doing
Stargazer: lol
Stargazer: the Friends of Sabi don’t pressure its member to stay if they want to quit, plain and simple. This has always been the deal since our fusion began
Stargazer: Joon, thoughts?
Betelgeuse: i hear you man, people need to have freedom to come and go
starchyld: but we could lose everyone, the asterism could go out
Stargazer: if it goes out, then it was not really worthy, was it?
Betelgeuse: i’m all for freedom of belief. we’re not a cult
Stargazer: lol
Cassiopeiae: hahahaha
starchyld: i guess not
Antares: I missed the joke.
Stargazer: so, Joon, what’s your decision? I may be founder but you’re Canis Majoris.
starchyld: what’s canis majoris?
Betelgeuse: we let Brian and Shinji go
Antares: They’re talking about going to Bible meetings.
Cassiopeiae: What’s your point?
Antares: My point, Tiffany, is that that’s very sad, and if we can do something to sway them back, why wouldn’t we?
Stargazer: because keeping the heart open to all possibilities is key to the search for Truth
Antares: Bible meetings, Kenneth!
Stargazer: you should consider going to one, Zula. loosen your mind a little. you’ve gotten too self-assured
Antares: Ha Ha.
Stargazer: I’m not joking
Antares: I’m speechless.
Cassiopeiae: If only
Stargazer: lolol
starchyld: hahahah
Stargazer: Joon’s made up his mind anyway. So that’s done.
Betelgeuse: yup they’re free
Stargazer: since we’re all gathered here I have a suggestion
Betelgeuse: whats up
Stargazer: I think Tiffany should be Canis Majoris
Antares: Come again?
Cassiopeiae: I thought she was speechless
starchyld: whats canis Majoris?
Stargazer: her attunement to the astral lattice is well advanced. She has insight into astromancy that’s pretty much masterful and she can lead
Antares: She’s been with the Sabi'un for one year.
Cassiopeiae: 2 years
Stargazer: and in that short amount of time she’s worked wonders with people’s attunement. Even you thought so, Zula
Antares: I said she was good.
Stargazer: what do you think, Joon? Sorry to spring this on you but we’ve danced around it before and you seemed amenable. I know you like honesty. I think this is best for the Friends.
Betelgeuse: yeah man I know, i get it
Antares: Joon, you’re very effective. Your knowledge of the spiritual fusion is beyond compare, except for Kenneth. Either of you would make an excellent Canis Majoris.
Betelgeuse: you know Ken doesn’t want to run things
Antares: That’s not really how it feels anymore, actually.
starchyld: I’m so confused….
Stargazer: this is just a measured suggestion from an old hand
Antares: Joon?
Betelgeuse: i don’t know
Antares: You do well. We thrive under you.
Betelgeuse: Tiffany would be good too
Antares: I can’t believe I’m hearing this.
Stargazer: obviously we need you as Sophomore no matter what
Betelgeuse: yeah
starchyld: whats it gonna be Joon?
Betelgeuse: go for it Tiffany
Cassiopeiae: Thank you, Joon
Stargazer: you sure dude?
Betelgeuse: yeah its for the best
Stargazer: well I guess that’s it
Antares: Bye.
Antares has left the chatroom.
starchyld: uh oh
Cassiopeiae: …
Cassiopeiae: hahahahaha
Stargazer: Aw, Zula.
starchyld: this was fun… later guys
Cassiopeiae: Later
Stargazer: Bye Paula
starchyld has left the chatroom.
Betelgeuse: its not a big deal. I had a feeling this was coming anyway
Stargazer: you fucked up, dude. We had an understanding.
Betelgeuse: i know
Stargazer: pressuring people to stay?
Betelgeuse: it was for the Sabi’un. that’s all i had in mind was the Friends of Sabi
Stargazer: there is no Sabi’un, Joon. Do you get that? We don’t exist.
Stargazer: reread my last post ^^^^
Betelgeuse: yeah
Stargazer: now that you’ve gone against me openly, the jig is up. Zula knows you’re a puppet.
Betelgeuse: didn’t mean that to happen
Cassiopeiae: That’s what happens when you try to get creative
Stargazer: it’s cool, man. see you Saturday
Betelgeuse: see you guys, peace
Betelgeuse: Congrats Tiffany
Cassiopeiae: Thank you. Bye bye
Betelgeuse has left the chatroom.
Cassiopeiae: That was easy.
Stargazer: watch both of them. I don’t think it’s over.
Cassiopeiae: She’s working him.
Stargazer: he’s good for us. she needs to go. make it miserable for her and she’ll quit, go back to her Scientology bullshit, beg them to take her off the SP list.
Cassiopeiae: My pleasure. And Paula?
Stargazer: her colors are still weird. watch her too. I still think she’s probably a journalist or an author doing research, but can’t be too careful. feed her bullshit
Cassiopeiae: Isn’t it all bullshit?
Stargazer: lol
Cassiopeiae: Anything else, Oxaa?
Stargazer: that’s all, Tseeku-Chatz. later
Cassiopeiae: Later!
You have left the chatroom.