Quest 230

Nov 02, 2010 16:33

[Private || Hackable by Friends]

That's another October managed, then. And as Todd said, the next one is as far away as it can possibly be, at the moment, and that's something to be glad for, too.

I think he was right that they've been getting worse each year, though. I don't remember my first October being nearly so horrible. And last year's was awful, of course, with the cannibals and the monsters and all that, but we managed all right and made it through without too much trouble. But now this one--the dancing, and those terrible nightmares, and then that whole week of thinking we were angels and demons and goodness knows what else--

I promised I wouldn't let the month get the better of me. And it didn't, but...but it came much closer this year than it did the last.

This was the first October that Sam wasn't here with me.

Miss Saya's come to live with me now, though. It's nice to have her here, and it's really only right to have her here, since it is her Warehouse. She seems like a lovely person, if a bit...strange. I don't think she's ever come down to dinner even once since she's been here, but I suppose she might just be busy with other things when the time comes around. I'll have to make sure to invite her down specifically one of these days, though, so she knows she's welcome to come if she likes.

And it's good having her here, too, since she knows all about the cars, and that settles the problem of having someone to look after them when I don't know how. I'm doing all right at learning to drive them, though; I still go sit behind the wheel and practice sometimes, without any of the keys or anything like that. I really ought to have had Sam teach me all those months ago when he'd had the chance, but--well. Better late than never, as the saying goes. And better safe than sorry.

November last year was the month that the boxes came.

It was supposed to be better than October. September we had the prison exploding, and October was October as it always is, and then November was supposed to be better but it only got so much worse. Sam was in that trap the hospital and Cain was the one that put him there, and the two of them were so furious with each other and I was caught in the middle of it all. And Blue was so sad because his friend Flycatcher left, and then it was his anniversary here at the end of the month, too. November thirtieth, I think it was. It was two years last year, which means this one would have been three.

I'd gotten my hopes up that they'd be able to visit again this past Halloween. We had visitors for it last year. I hardly even realized how much I'd been hoping to see them all until it came and...and nothing came of it, after all, and that was that.

I wish they'd been able to come.

But Cain is still here, and Neil and Todd are, too. Dr. Chase was worried about me--calling to check up on me when the whole City was at war, being concerned about the bruise on Halloween, helping me learn to drive the car. Peter slew the witch in my nightmare for me. Edmund's been helping me learn to fight with a sword--and could I have ever hoped to handle that dragon without it? Penny has always been there to talk with me and be strong when I couldn't be. Rue came all this way to bring me a drink of water when I was hanging from the ceiling. Claire wanted to stand in front of me when we went into danger.

I have a lot of friends, don't I? I've been so caught up in missing Sam and Blue, I've almost forgotten just how many other people there are that care for me. And that I care about, too.

I should go straighten things up in Blue's apartment today. And...and look in Sam's room, and see if I can't find a picture of the two of us together. He won't mind if I borrow that from him, I'm certain.

It's funny, I suppose; I started off writing all this thinking of how lonely and glum I was feeling, and now that I'm through it all, I can see that things really aren't so bad as I was making them out to be. Losing two dear friends doesn't mean I'm alone. It only felt that way because I was so used to having them here, and I've been waiting for someone to fill those holes they left. But that's not how friendships work; there'll never be another Sam or another Blue to replace the ones I had and loved. But there are bits and patches of them in other people, too--Dr. Chase's concern, Peter's valor, Edmund's jokes. I may not have them with me, but I can see them there, too.

Happy Halloween, Blue. I hope Dean is right, and you're someplace warm and happy, where the music is always lively and sour cherry comfit is never hard to find.

Happy Halloween, Sam. You always did like that holiday, didn't you? I hope you and Mikaela and Bumblebee all had a marvelous one, wherever you are.


My goodness, wasn't that an interesting Halloween? It was certainly less busy than the one we had last year, since none of those visitors came to call this year, but I should think this one was plenty exciting enough on its own, just the same. That curse has happened before, I've heard--the one about people turning into their costumes, that is--and it is rather a shame to have to worry about things like that when picking out a costume for the occasion. But October is always an unusual month around here, and it's always better to err on the side of caution, really.

I do wish people would stop looking at me strangely, though. It's only a bruise, and there are much worse things I could've ended up as for a night than the princess and the pea, anyway. I wonder if there's anything around that might help cover it up?

But in any case, it's November now, and it seems things are finally settling down after the past few weeks, which means I finally have the chance to say thank you to everyone that was so kind to me throughout last month. I know some of you visited my, er, dreams, and that others of you were very concerned for me when I thought I was an angel, and I really do appreciate it. I'm quite all right now, if a bit sore and weary, and now that October is over with, I hope I'm sure we'll have some time to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.

I think I'll go for a ride today, too. It'll soon be too cold out for it, if I wait much longer, and I have some things to deliver around, anyway. And Valor would be glad for the exercise, I'm sure.

[OOC: And thus ends another Doomtober! Which means Rosella's slowly getting back onto her feet, though she does have a rather nice bruise on her cheek from the curse on Halloween. Such are the hazards of dressing up as the Princess and the Pea when the City turns you into your costume. Also, she'll be riding around today dropping off wrapped plates of treats for her friends, so feel free to say she left you one, if you're friends with her!]

your princess is in another castle, parting is such sweet sorrow, deadlier than cupid's bow, h is for hypocrite, i already have a pony, post curse, home is where the heart is, adventures, rosella's journal, the perils of being rosella, doom!tober, bad memories, next time be more careful, he doesn't look a thing like jesus, augh seriously wtf, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, curses suck, gotta love that optimism, put the pen down already

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