Quest 206

Jul 23, 2010 17:56

[Private || Hackable by Friends]

Things I Learned Underground
--No bodies in graves
--Sucked under if one digs too far
--Catacombs? Stone chambers, low ceilings, bodies

Things I Don't Know
--How did Peter get in?
--How did I get out?
--How far do the catacombs spread?
--Why are there catacombs at all?
--Where is Peter?
--What happened while we were missing?

Things I Lost
--Magic rope (Rumplestiltskin)
--Bow and arrows (?)
--Shovel (Sawed apart; given to Peter)
--Big flashlight (Broken in fall down hole)
--Candles and matches (Used up)


If yesterday was Thursday, then that means today is Friday. Friday the 23rd of July. I fell in on Monday night, and Kazuki found me yesterday morning. So it's getting to be the end of another week, and what an--er, eventful one it's been, too. Even though I've been so busy the past few days, I haven't been able to get on the Network hardly at all. Is everyone still all right? What happened while I was gone?

I'm still here in the hospital, since I did get a bit scraped up over the past few days, and they said something about hitting my head again and wanting to keep an eye on it, so I suppose that's for the best. Plenty of rest and people checking in every so often and all that. I'm still not entirely sure what might've happened, either, since I remember getting some of these scrapes but not others, and I certainly don't remember most of the bruises.

I remember we thought we'd found an exit, and then the monsters jumped out at us, and Peter jumped right back at them...and I had my bow out and was trying to get in a shot...

Kazuki, thank you again so very much for finding me and bringing me back here. I'm not entirely sure how you managed to find me if I was inside a cave, but I'm certainly glad that you did and I'm hardly about to question good luck like that when it comes about. And I certainly intend to find a way to repay you for it once I'm up and about again, so if there's anything I can do in return, please do let me know and I'll be happy to do it.

Pevensie. That was it, Peter Pevensie.

Oh, and, er--to any friends of Peter Pevensie, may I ask if you've heard from him in the last day or two? I'd like very much to thank him, too, since I owe him a great deal as well. But I suppose he might be in rather the same predicament that I am, so if you see him and could let him know that I've been asking after him, please, I'd very much appreciate it.

[OOC: And so Rosella is officially back from underground, having been found yesterday by Nataku/Kazuki. HOSPITAL PEOPLE--I hope I'm not stepping on any toes by having her stay there for observation for a day or two; she's kind of banged up and she did black out after she and Peter got jumped by the zombies under the graveyard, so I figured someone would want to keep her around for at least a day to make sure there aren't any lasting ill effects.

Action is welcome for anyone wanting to come visit her, and Network for everyone else.]

plot, i'm sorry i can't be perfect, deadlier than cupid's bow, adventures, rosella's journal, too many questions, the perils of being rosella, curiosity killed the princess, bad memories, next time be more careful, night of the living dead, taking one for the team, has a fever; needs more cowbell, i love my friends, zombies = nightmares, everyone's dead and it's all my fault, little princess in a terrible mess, a bit tied up at present, oblivious rosella is oblivious, la femme rosella

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