Quest 203

Jul 13, 2010 18:10

[Private//Hackable by Friends]

He came back. He really did come back.

It's funny, I suppose. I've always looked forward to those days with all the visitors because it always meant the chance that Mother and Daddy and Alexander would come to visit, and then I'd get to see them all again for a little while before they had to go. It was just enough to keep me going, I think, and to give me hope for all the times when they aren't here, when I'm scared or lonely or sad and I wish that they were. This was the first time I've ever found myself hoping for Sam to come, in the same way.

I wasn't sure if he would, honestly. It took Daddy quite some time to find his way to me, and then Mother and Alexander even longer after that. But I suppose it's different for Sam, since he was here once already, so of course he would know the way. I wasn't sure if I could be so lucky, either, that I'd have that chance again.

He's fine. He saved his whole world for the second time now. And--and he didn't forget me. As selfish as it is, I think that's really what I was worried about most. Because...because if Sam didn't forget, then I know I won't forget, either. Because it's the same for me. He was missing me as much as I was missing him, even though we were in separate worlds. We still knew each other that well, even though he was at home in his own room instead of here in his room at the Warehouse.

I won't forget him. And if he could find his way back to me, even after all that...then I can find my way back to him, too. I can find his world, and his house, and his Autobots and his Princeton and all of it. It's there, somewhere, and it's just waiting for me to strike out and find it. Or perhaps it'll be Sam that does the adventuring, and finds his way to Daventry, after all.

When he left, and said hurt so much, because it was everything coming to an end all at once. I'd never had to learn to live here in the City without Sam, and then suddenly he was gone and I was here and I just didn't know...I just didn't know what to do. I had to learn that for myself.

I miss the time when I never knew what it felt like, being here without him.

But it always gets better. He promised me that himself, and he wouldn't lie to me. So of course it must--and perhaps that's what he was thinking of, that day all those years ago when I met his older self and he told me that. Perhaps he knew that I would need to hear those words for this day, this time, to give me the strength to go on. And I will. I have to, because it always gets better, and if I don't keep going forward, then I'll never have the chance to see it get better at all.

It was his birthday yesterday, too. He'd be twenty now, if he were still here. How strange to think that I was only seventeen when I met him, and now all these years have gone by. How strange, and how wonderful, that things turned out the way they did and we had that chance to go forward together.

Birthdays are a good time for growing older and wiser, aren't they, Sam?


My, that weekend when the visitors come is always a terribly busy one, isn't it? But it's a fun one, too, I think, and everyone seemed to have a fine day of it. I know I certainly did! Rin managed to come back for a visit, and so did Billy and Ferris and even Kanda, and there were quite a few new faces to see, too--one of which was my own, of all things! Well, rather my own, anyway, since she did look just like me, only older. And, er, a vampire.

Sam came back, too. And it was just in time for his birthday! It's a pity he couldn't stay for the actual day, but we managed to celebrate it a day early and we had a wonderful time and...and it was just like he was really here again, instead of only visiting. We had cake and went around the whole Warehouse looking at everything and spent the whole weekend together, and it was the nicest present I could've asked for--which is silly, of course, since it was Sam's birthday and not mine! But I hope it was a fine present for him, too.

Wishes are funny things, aren't they? They often go along well with birthdays--blowing out the candles on the cake and making a wish as you do, and all that. But wishes...are things to be careful with, too, because oftentimes I think we wish for things without being careful, and then it leads to all sorts of trouble in the long run. And sometimes, the most sensible thing is to not make a wish at all, because oftentimes things will all work out on their own anyway, without the wishing to begin with.

And they always get better, no matter what. If there's one thing that I've learned in all of my time here, it's that. Curses always end at the stroke of midnight, and as bad as things get, they always get better.

And today's curse will, too, even if it's making it fairly impossible to eat anything for the duration. I wouldn't mind the French fries if I could only have a normal hamburger to go along with them, but every time I try, it seems that it all comes out fried, as well. Even when I haven't fried anything myself! Really, it's utterly ridiculous.

stronger now than yesterday, bff =/= getting busy, your princess is in another castle, fairy tales, parting is such sweet sorrow, home is where the heart is, rosella's journal, daventry represent!, nineteen and loving it, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, time to be a princess, happily ever after, curse: the colonel's best, affected, gotta love that optimism

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