May 07, 2010 20:59
taking care of business,
curse: rain rain go away,
stronger now than yesterday,
this place is weird beyond belief,
post curse,
rosella's journal,
too many questions,
the perils of being rosella,
so farfetched it's gotta be true,
bad memories,
nineteen and loving it,
absence makes the heart go yonder,
curse: let them eat cake,
i love my friends,
doing nothing forever and ever,
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This rain does seem more preferable and natural as compared to the previous one. I believe I don't much mind it. Rain is frequent in England, and I should say I am... perhaps not fond of, but rather used to it.
It's a bit strange to see rain like this around here, I must say. With summer on the way, there's always the chance it might turn to snow, or something equally ridiculous.
[a soft laugh]
I should hope it's only something as ridiculous as snow and not quite so odd as cakes or--as Lord Cain suggested--ovens. I imagine that would be dreadful.
[And she's clearly amused by the thought, too.]
Oh, yes, raining ovens would be rather a mess, wouldn't it? I've heard it once rained cats and dogs before--real cats and real dogs, that is--but that was long before I ever came here, I think. I certainly don't remember it, myself.
Mm, yes. Lord Cain actually has a cat Miss Merry picked up on that day, named Kassandra. She's quite a dear, in fact.
{Which isn't to say, of course, that he doesn't love Cain just the way he is D: ]
Still, it seems as though some curses occur more frequently than others on that weekend. Turning people into animals seems to be a popular one, and turning people into children is another. But there's all sorts of different curses that come up, and I've never been quite sure as to how or why.
Reply it known which weekend this is so that one may attempt to prepare for it, or is it different each month?
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