Quest 182

Apr 30, 2010 16:47

[Voice Post]

[The audio begins with Rosella, sounding positively exasperated, with a fair amount of rustling, shuffling, and clattering going on in the background.]

All right, honestly, I know I tend to keep my room rather on the messy side, but throwing it all outside is hardly a proper solution for getting it cleaned up! It's absolutely ridiculous. Though I will admit that it was rather nice to walk all the way from my bed to the door without once having to hop from clear patch to clear patch like stepping stones. But really, those are my things! And it's not as though I couldn't always find everything I needed to, anyway, regardless of the mess. It all had its place! Just...well, sometimes the place happened to be wherever I could find a clear spot to put it at the time.

Oh, rats, all my gowns, all my shoes, even those ridiculous heels and my modern jeans...ugh, what a mess. It'll take weeks to get all this sorted out again. At least my rose collection managed to stay in its box where it belongs, thank goodness, and there's my portrait over there, of course.. ...Oh, and there's that oddly-shaped twig I found a month ago. I was wondering where that'd gotten off to. I suppose it must've gotten mixed in with the nails and boards by mistake, when it ought to have gone with the rocks and bottles. And my rope, what's that doing all the way over...

[She trails off as something seems to occur to her.]

...My rope! Oh, drat it all, what about--

[And the shuffling and clattering resumes, louder and faster this time, as Rosella attacks the piles with renewed vigor. It's clear that she's got something in mind she's searching for, and equally clear that despite her best efforts, she's still not finding it.]

Rats, rats, rats, where is it, where did it go? Drat it all, where are you? Locked or not, I can't have you just sitting out where anyone could--oh, rats!

[A brief pause.]

...Which reminds me, there had better not be any giant spiders in here, either.

[OOC: So Rosella, like the rest of her family, is a canonical pack rat. Which means you're liable to find pretty much anything in the contents of her room, from broken bits of vases to interesting-looking stones to bent pieces of pipe to whatever else you can imagine. But there are also some particularly noteworthy objects in the midst of it all, such as:

--A pair of glass slippers.
--A number of dresses.
--Her family portrait.
--A small case containing a set of dried pink, red, and orange roses.
--A large velvet pouch with two smaller pouches inside, one containing several dried acorns, the other containing sprigs of dried mistletoe.
--A small but heavily padlocked wooden box which, if opened, contains what is unmistakably a magic wand (which is what she's so frantically looking for at the moment).

If you'd like to find something of hers in someplace other than the general vicinity of the Warehouse, please give me a heads-up first?

Feel free to action her up if you want to come look through her stuff with her! And Network for everyone else, with all of Rosella's responses assumed to be voice.]

rosella is not amused, taking care of business, curse: spring cleaning, so farfetched it's gotta be true, next time be more careful, augh seriously wtf, do you believe in magic, your princess is in another castle, little princess in a terrible mess, affected, what is this i don't even, all the cool kids know magic, a bit tied up at present, home is where the heart is

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