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[Action] placeholdery playstheblues March 16 2010, 19:19:51 UTC
[He scuffs in, and speaks before he sees her]

Come out, Rosella.


[Action] same primrosella March 16 2010, 19:26:32 UTC
[She is huddled about as far back into the cave as she can possibly manage, the lit screen of her Network device casting a dim glow on the ground a few feet in front of her.]

I'm not. I'm s-staying here.


[Action] playstheblues March 16 2010, 19:32:02 UTC
[He walks into the cave towards her. He's got his homelands outfit on, boots and tunic, and he moves in close to her]

Come on, Rosella.


[Action] primrosella March 16 2010, 20:42:43 UTC
[From the way that she's hunched over, hugging her knees and pressed up against the wall, it's difficult--but not impossible--to see the rip in the back of her dress where Sam's dagger went in. The blood soaked into the fabric and around the hem, on the other hand, is unmistakable.]

I can't. I...I don't want to, I don't want to do anything. I just want to take it all back...


[Action] playstheblues March 16 2010, 22:15:26 UTC
[He leans down and gently puts his arms around her]

Sam is really worried about you.


[Action] primrosella March 16 2010, 23:19:04 UTC
[She almost tries to pull away, but it's Blue, so she just hangs her head and lets him hug her instead.]

I couldn't stay there. Not after--not what I saw what we'd done. What I did. I didn't know what else to do and I just...came out here and...


[Action] playstheblues March 16 2010, 23:31:25 UTC
[He holds her tightly]

I know. I know.


[Action] primrosella March 16 2010, 23:39:02 UTC
I...I should've been able to stop myself. Or--or fought it, or something, anything, anything but what I did, I--I don't know what I could've done but I should've done it, Blue, I should've and I didn't.

[She turns her face away, keeping her head down so her hair remains like a curtain around her face.]

Sam died because I didn't.


[Action] playstheblues March 16 2010, 23:41:50 UTC
Oh, Rosella. We all do awful things during curses.

[He pushes her hair away and looks at her for a long time]

Once I handed Kay over to the Snow Queen, you know.


[Action] primrosella March 16 2010, 23:54:44 UTC
[She glances up, but can't quite make herself meet his eyes, and ends up averting her gaze to a random spot on the cave floor.]

I remember. I was worried about you.


[Action] playstheblues March 17 2010, 00:01:08 UTC
[He goes quiet for a minute and holds on]

Once I attacked Cori.

[He doesn't want to talk about it, but...]

I told him terrible things. The only reason I didn't kill him was because he was quick enough to get away. And I lov-[he swallows]-loved him.


[Action] primrosella March 17 2010, 00:10:38 UTC
I never--

[And now, at last, she leans into his hold, resting her forehead on his shoulder.]

He was going around yesterday, saying all those things, p-pretending to be me and saying such horrible things, and I followed along after and told all my friends, I told them--I said of course it wasn't me, the real me wouldn't say those things, the real me would never treat her friends like that, wouldn't hurt anyone like that...and...


[Action] playstheblues March 17 2010, 00:12:05 UTC
[He holds onto her tightly]

No one is angry with you except you, Rosella. Sam is very worried about you. He even called me, you know? He wants you to be all right.

No one thinks you are cruel.


[Action] primrosella March 17 2010, 00:19:48 UTC
It's--it's funny, isn't it? How I always say, oh, it's only a curse, it was only a curse, you can't hold it against someone, it's only a curse...

[Her voice cracks.]

I can forgive anyone else but I can't do it this time. Not when it's me. Not when Sam died because of me.


[Action] playstheblues March 17 2010, 00:21:49 UTC
It's not just a curse.

You killed someone, and that's a terrible thing to carry. And you shouldn't have to carry it.


[Action] primrosella March 17 2010, 00:25:01 UTC
It wasn't this bad when it was the witch. I didn't have time to think, then. Maybe that's why. But now I have all the time in the world to think and it's all mixed up when I do.


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