Quest 166

Feb 18, 2010 17:27

[Private//Hackable by Friends]

Another season, another great commotion when all those travelers come to pay a visit. It really is starting to look like there's a pattern to it, now that I've been here long enough to see it come and go a few times. Once a season, on some day or another, people from all over manage to slip through and find themselves here for a day, and then when midnight comes, they're gone again. Or at least, that's how it used to be, anyway; I can think of a few times that they all managed to stay for two days instead of just one.

The last time, they were all here for Halloween and the party we had, and now they were here for Valentine's Day. What came before Halloween, though? That was the one in the summer...I think it was in July? But there weren't any holidays then, so perhaps it's only a coincidence that they came on holidays the past two times. And the one before it would've been the one in the spring. That was the one right after my birthday, I remember, since I had been thinking so much about Alexander coming through to find me, and then just a few weeks later, there were all the visitors. So I suppose that must've been sometime around the beginning of April? And that's not a holiday, either, so no, I suppose it really must just be coincidence.

It really was lovely to see them all, though. Duo came back, and what a funny thing it was, that he even thought to bring my scarf back with him when he did! But I'm glad to know that it went with him when he left, too. He remembered to bring it back, and that means he didn't forget, after all. And that's...that's just wonderful. Daddy came back, too, to see me and to visit. He remembers coming here each time, too, even if he doesn't recall it when he goes back again.

It's a little bit like growing up, then, isn't it? Isn't this what it would be like, if I'd gotten married to a prince and gone to live with him in his own castle far away from Daventry? Mother and Daddy could come to visit me every so often, a few times a year, and I'd see them and have a wonderful time with them while it lasted, but then they'd leave again and I'd stay behind. Is that how it'll be, when it's my turn? I always thought I'd stay home in Daventry and spend the rest of my life in my own castle there, but everything changes and things don't always work out the way we plan them to. Alexander is home now, and there are two heirs in Daventry again.

Strange, how I was once so jealous of Alexander coming home, but almost seems all right, doesn't it? Of course it's all right that he's home, I mean. He's family and I'm glad he's safely back with us, and I love him dearly, even if I haven't had very much time to spend with him at all. But I'm not...afraid of him anymore. Afraid of him being a prince and a magician and an heir all at once, when all I am is a princess and a rather silly one at that. Because I'm more than just that, aren't I? I can work magic, too. I can shoot arrows and sometimes a gun, and I can work all the different objects in Sam's magic kitchen, and I can use a cell phone and listen to jazz music and wear impossible shoes and ride around in cars and maybe someday even learn to drive them. I'm having my own adventures, all on my own, and becoming a better person for it.

Is this what growing up feels like?

I'm going to be nineteen next month. That was how old Daddy was when King Edward sent him out to retrieve the three lost treasures of Daventry, all on his own. And he did, and now he's king, and the whole land prospered under his rule--the perfect happily-ever-after to my very favorite bedtime story. But now that being nineteen is drawing so near, it's strange to think that he did all that when he was just about the age I am now.

Would I be ready to be a queen, if that choice fell to me the way that it did to Daddy? But then, I suppose that question begs another, doesn't it?

Would I be ready to go home when I turn nineteen, and leave this adventure behind for the good of my kingdom?

...I don't know if I have an answer for that.

But speaking of nineteens, tomorrow is the nineteenth, isn't it? And that means it's Blue's-- So that's something to think about, too.


Let's see, now. We're just a bit over halfway through the month, and thus far we've seen the City change...three times now, is it? Once in the beginning, with all the boats and whatnot. Once for the curse where we all thought we were visitors to a foreign city, and I was so terribly concerned with being able to speak French, when I really don't know much more than one phrase at all in it. And one just this past weekend, where the whole City went dark for a day, and there were those, er...fireworks, I think? The explosions that lit up the sky all day. They're marvelous things, those fireworks, how they manage to make such pretty shapes out of bits of light, all the way up in the sky. A little unsettling, perhaps, when they explode, but pretty nonetheless.

But more exciting than the fireworks, of course, were the visitors. I always do like it when the visitors come, just for the fun of talking with all of them and hearing their stories. Sometimes they turn out to be people we're very much longing to see, and other times they're entirely unexpected visitors, but they're always interesting in one way or another. And some are dangerous, I think, but--

I wonder how it is, though, that those people that are important to us seem to have such a knack for finding us here, those few days out of the year. Do they tumble in by accident, the same way that the residents here seem to? Or do they somehow know that we're here and waiting for them when those days come, and the opportunity arises for them to come and visit? I suppose we'll never know, really, but it's an interesting conundrum, nonetheless.

Of course, some of the visitors are kind enough, but just downright silly. Or puzzling. Or frogs claiming to be princes that need a kiss from a princess to change them back to normal again. Honestly, this is the third time now...

But as nice as it was while it lasted, the visit has come and gone, and things are getting back to normal, it seems. Or, well, as normal as things ever get around the City, anyway.

Which reminds me. Er...congratulations, of course, to everyone who has discovered that they're with child today. Even if I'm almost certain it's only due to a curse. It's wonderful news, and I think it's just...lovely to hear. Of course.

[OOC: BRB, dinnertime! Back soon. ♥ AND BACK!]

not that kind of girl kthx, curse: what a bug day, not traumatized yay!, your princess is in another castle, fairy tales, unaffected, home is where the heart is, rosella's journal, daventry represent!, eighteen and loving it, absence makes the heart go yonder, i love my friends, time to be a princess, all the cool kids know magic, gotta love that optimism, the most wonderful time of the year

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