Quest 155

Jan 04, 2010 17:25

[Private//Hackable by Friends]

A new year, a fresh start, and who should return to the City but Sirius Black. And just when I'd thought things might start getting a bit less complicated.

He doesn't remember, though. Me, or--well, any of it. I suppose that's a good thing, really, that he doesn't. It'd just make for more trouble if he did, and with so much time having passed since he's been gone, more likely than not everyone's forgotten all that mess that we got ourselves into last year. Or mostly forgotten, anyway. Or perhaps they're like me, and they haven't forgotten at all, but they've moved on, just the same.

I'm not the same girl I was when I first met him; I know that now. But that's only natural, isn't it? I've had a whole year to grow up, and he seems to have stayed just the same as ever. And I think perhaps that's a good thing, too, since if he'd grown up and I'd grown up and he'd come back remembering everything...well. It would ache more, I think, to have moved on, if that were how things were. But they're not, and he doesn't remember, and that's really for the best.

At least now I know how to keep from getting hurt again, when I talk with him.

It's strange how many lessons I learned from knowing him, in one way or another. Perhaps, in an odd sort of way, I'm thankful that things turned out as they did. How would I have ever known the importance of forgiving actions taken during a curse if I hadn't seen firsthand how much damage such misunderstandings can cause? How would I have learned to be strong and to move on from such heartache if I'd never felt it in the first place? It was the matter with Sirius that helped me make peace with what happened to Edgar, in the end. And I needed that, too, didn't I? I needed that more than I needed whatever else might have come with--all of that.

It's a bit like riding a horse--or a skateboard, as the case may be. What better way is there to learn, than to fall off and get back up again?

But things are different now, and it's all right. It still hurts a bit to see him, though, and I suppose it always will, a little. But it's not painful, exactly, just...bittersweet. And it won't stop me from being his friend now, either. Even if he never remembers any of it, even if it means he never calls me "princess"'s all right, because now we can be friends--really friends--without all that mess lingering between us. It'll linger for me, of course, since I do remember, but...I do want to be his friend again. It's better than knowing that things were ruined between us and he left before I could find a way to fix them. This time, I won't make the same mistakes again. And it'll be fine, won't it?

Sirius Black. Who would have thought he'd find his way back here again?

...My, Blue's going to have a fit when he finds out.


I wonder if it's almost fitting, in a way, that a curse so soon after the beginning of the new year should be one that takes away one's sight. That's the whole fun of seeing the old year come to an end, isn't it--looking forward to the new one, and growing eager to see what new surprises might be in store? Except that as far as the City is concerned, the new surprises are almost never pleasant ones, and more often than not they become adventures in their own right, trying to get through one's day while dealing with some absurd new difficulty or another. Yesterday, it was that no one could see anything at all, and people who were affected were made to rely on their other senses in order to get through, while they waited for midnight to come.

I spent a week losing my senses last month, and it's not an experience I'd care to repeat anytime soon, so I can rather sympathize with the people who were made to go without their sight yesterday. That was one of my least favorite days of that week and one of the hardest to conceal, giving up my sight. And of course, I'm sure quite a few of us remember the days when the whole City was swept into darkness, and we all might as well have been without our sight, for all the good it did us those days. That sort of curse isn't just bothersome--it can also be frightening, and rather dangerous, too. And what an odd coincidence, that Cain should be delivered an eye, and now this--but no, it's only a coincidence. Isn't it?

I'm glad I wasn't cursed yesterday. But even so, it came and went, as usual. And that's one more curse managed, and one more lesson learned, isn't it? And one more day gone by in a brand new year.

But of course, not all of the surprises that have come recently are unpleasant ones. Learning to skateboard certainly isn't, even if it does occasionally leave bruises. And neither is finally having the chance to see my Christmas present from Sam--now that it's all finally arrived. And of course, spending time with friends can always yield new surprises, whether they be friends we've known for months or...ones we're just getting to know all over again.

And speaking of surprises, it seems there's to be a snowball fight in Xanadu today sometime soon! I'm not much for the regular variety of fighting, but snowball fighting...well, that's a bit of a different thing altogether. And what a fine way to spend time with friends, and to make new ones, too. And then of course there's always the part about having hot chocolate and tea and warm cookies after the fighting is over, which might even be a bit more fun than the competition itself, in its own way.

...Sirius, Remus, are you settling in all right?

[OOC: All links are OOC, and this got a lot more tl;dr than I intended. Sob. The art in the portrait is not mine; it's lovingly borrowed from the King's Quest fan game, The Silver Lining, because it's hard to find a good picture of the royal family of Daventry all together at once.]

stronger now than yesterday, not traumatized yay!, your princess is in another castle, fairy tales, post curse, rosella's journal, eighteen and loving it, rosella's thoughts on love, knights and ladies, absence makes the heart go yonder, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, time to be a princess, all the cool kids know magic, gotta love that optimism, put the pen down already, the most wonderful time of the year

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