Quest 145

Dec 03, 2009 20:21

[Private//Hackable by Friends]

There, now. It's about time I started writing in here again, isn't it?

I suppose I've just been so happy that they've finally let Sam out of the hospital that I got all wrapped up in getting him settled at home again, and forgot about writing my thoughts down here. Which I suppose is rather all right, really, since of course Sam is more important than this journal of mine, but just the same, it's nice to sit down and just write a little, too.

It's December, now. Isn't that strange? It seems like just yesterday I was sitting down and dreading the coming of October, and now it's through and gone and taken November with it. November wasn't supposed to be such an awful month, either, but it was, in its own way. But come to think of it, it's been a string of rather bad months now, hasn't it? Ever since August, it seems, things have been getting worse and worse without much respite in between. But now it's December, and it's getting to be the holiday season, and even with the zombies last year we managed to have a nice Christmas, so perhaps we'll be able to manage it again this year, too. I've more friends now than I did at this time last year, and while that means more people to worry about, it also means more people to be with at Christmastime, and that's far more important, in my opinion.

It really is too bad that we missed Giving-Thanks, though. It was terribly kind of Megumi to bring a dinner by for Sam; I'll have to be sure to do something nice for her to thank her again for it. But I hope that we'll be able to have a nice dinner for our Christmas, too, just the way we've been planning. It's only fair, after all this trouble, to just have one nice day-- I'll have to start planning for that, and asking after who might want to come, too. And I'll have to come up with a lovely present for him, too--he brought me Valor last year, and that's so much more than I ever could've hoped for, and after all this hospital business, he really does deserve something nice.

I'm glad to find myself smiling, again. I did, that one day when I was cursed to be happy, and while it was unpleasant to be trapped in the midst of such happiness...I rather think it did me some good, too. And of course, getting Sam out of the hospital helped a great deal, as well.

So that's that, really. Though I suppose I ought to try to return some of these hats I seem to have attracted yesterday; likely someone will be missing them, after all.


Thank you again to everyone who came to visit Sam in the hospital these past few weeks; I know he appreciated it very much, even if he may have seemed a bit, er, loopy at the time. In any case, he's back home in the Warehouse now, and doing well, and I'm glad for it. Which reminds me of another thank-you I ought to give--thank you to everyone who offered to let me stay with them while he was in the hospital, and for worrying about me, too. I'm sure I, er, rather gave you good cause for it, but I'm feeling much better now, too, so I suppose it's just a case of all's well that ends well.

I'm glad it's December now. Yesterday was another minor anniversary for me; one year and four months here in the City. It's strange to think it's really been that long, and stranger still that I can remember sitting around a year ago and thinking how I'd been here just four months, and how that seemed so terribly long. But of course, that's just how time works, isn't it? It flies by one day, week, month at a time, and the next thing you know it's been a year and here you are, just the same as ever. Or perhaps a little more grown-up, even.

But in any case, December means that Christmas is coming, and if that's not reason to get excited, I don't know what is! With any luck, we'll be able to have a great big holiday dinner here at the Warehouse, and a tree to decorate, and it'll just be a wonderful time to spend together with friends. That's what's most important during the holidays, isn't it? And if we can't all be with our families, then I think being with our friends is really the next best thing.

So that's that, and we go on, as we always do.

But speaking of going on, I, er...I suppose I ought to ask: did anyone lose a hat yesterday? I seem to have attracted quite a few of them, somehow, over the course of the day, and I'd like to return them to their proper owners if I can.

[OOC: So yeah, yesterday Rosella was cursed with the awesome superpower of Seducing Hats, so if you'd like to say she seduced your hat away from you and you want it back, feel free to assume and harass her about it! ♥]

stronger now than yesterday, i'm walking on sunshine, bff =/= getting busy, this place is weird beyond belief, post curse, home is where the heart is, rosella's journal, daventry represent!, eighteen and loving it, score one for the good guys, curse: not awesome superpowers, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, gotta love that optimism, why yes i am a ninja, the most wonderful time of the year

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