[Private//Hackable by Friends]
It's been very nearly a month now, since Mikaela left, and just a bit over since Bumblebee arrived. And it's also very nearly a month since Sam--since then.
I think he's doing better now. At least, it seems as though he's doing better. I'm still worried, of course, but...well, I think that week away from everything was good for him. It was something he was familiar with, clearly, and in any case, it kept us busy. It's hard to dwell on negative thoughts when one is out surviving in the wilderness. Even if "surviving" is rather a bad way of putting it, since with everything we packed along, there's really no way we could've failed to survive--and even if we'd lost everything somehow, it wasn't as though we were too far from the Warehouse or the City to make it back safely.
I was talking to Caspian the other day, about Bumblebee and how he follows me around on the Network and how protective he is, and he wondered if that didn't make Bumblebee rather like my knight. But then, Bumblebee never came running to find me, worried sick, when I'd been asleep in a cave and missing for two days straight. It wasn't Bumblebee that singed his eyebrows off, fighting a dragon to rescue me. It wasn't Bumblebee that stayed outside my door all those nights afterward when I couldn't sleep, keeping an eye on me to make sure I was all right...
I do have a knight here, it's true, but it isn't Bumblebee.
Which makes it funny, I suppose, when one takes into consideration that I've been pondering for the past few days about holding on to Daventry and remembering the princess as well as the girl--and yet where do I end up with a knight of my own? Not in Daventry, but in the City.
...I wonder if it's odd that so many of my friends here are boys.
Has anyone else noticed that the curses we've been having seem to be...well, relatively harmless lately? There were the two very bad ones back at the beginning of the month, yes, but since then they seem to have been the silly variety, rather than the terrible kind. There was the usual weekend of random curses, of course, and then there was the one I was fortunate enough to miss while out camping--the one that made people write all over everything, I think it was. And then there was the one a few days ago, when we all had to talk in poetry, which is really only troublesome, not awful. Other than almost choking on my words once or twice, I suppose, but that was only the once and once I figured out how to avoid it, it made things considerably easier.
Still, only two bad ones...and back at the beginning of the month I predicted three of them, since bad things come in threes. But that third hasn't come about yet, and now I'm finding myself starting to wonder if it's going to at all. How far separated must the bad things be, in order to still come in threes?
I think this is what you'd term as an "omen", Cain, isn't it? Perhaps I'm just being superstitious, waiting and wondering about that third awful curse to come. Still, I don't know if I can dismiss it as easily as you might.
But is there a curse today, as well? I thought I heard some talk of it on the Network. If there is, it doesn't seem to be my third bad one, either. I certainly haven't noticed anything particularly different or unusual today. No great chasms opening up in the ground, no dragons thundering through the City, no tricks of the mind to make us think we're people we're not...so perhaps if there is a curse today, it's harmless enough, too.
I think I'll go sit outside and play my flute for a while. I know I really ought to be practicing the jazz music for Blue's party, but...I rather think today is a good day to be a little old-fashioned, instead.
[OOC: Oh, yes, she's cursed. If you want to action out a "hey, what the heck, I can't seem to get near you" encounter, that's totally fine with me. For everyone else, Network post. =D]