Quest 070

Apr 01, 2009 13:24

[Attempted Private//Public Due To Carelessness]

That last was something I'd been wondering about for a while, wasn't it? What it would be like to be more like Sam and Mikaela and Blair and them--more like what's normal for most of the people here. Because I have plenty of time...well, the whole rest of my life, in fact, back be a princess, but the only way I'll ever get to try being like that is while I'm here. And I've wondered rather often if that's an opportunity I ought to let go to waste.

Still, even now I have a hard time thinking of that girl as me. We had a lot in common, she and I, but...well, I suppose that's a question of what makes a person, isn't it? Is it who you are, or is it the things you've done, the life you've lived, the people you've met? I don't know the answers to that, myself.

It's interesting, though. If that's who I would've been, if I'd grown up in a world more like that of some of my friends here--well, she seemed to have a lot of friends. And she was very confident in herself...even, I think, a bit moreso than I am in myself. She loved her family like me, and disliked liars like me, and...turned out to have about the same luck that I have, as well. But she made choices the same way that I would have made them. She believed in doing what's right, even if it means sacrificing something of her own in the process.

That's reassuring, knowing that some things wouldn't change.

And the City even left me with a souvenir of that curse; a keepsake of hers mine ours. That was really very kind, and I'll have to remember to keep it in a safe place so it can dry and be preserved. That makes three now--first pink, then red, then orange. Will yellow be next?

...Goodness, there's quite a commotion outside. I wonder where all that noise is coming fr


I remember this curse! Please, please, it's only two weeks after I'd been expecting you, I could've been wrong, I'd love to be wrong, please, please come--Alexander, anyone, please--anyone from home, Daddy, Mother, I don't care, just please let someone come!

Who's here? There must be some familiar faces out there--hello, I've missed you! It's so good to see all of you again, so do come and say hello, please!

And just in case the question should arise again, let me say in advance: no, we're not, we're just best friends. That's all. Honestly, I don't know why you'd even ask such a thing.

And--if anyone should see a regal man in a green cap with a red feather, inquiring after his daughter? Please do send him my way, won't you?

[OOC: Same rules as last time: Canonically, she's from just after the end of Perils of Rosella, and with some very disjointed and vague knowledge of Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder, if you feel like telling her future. If something comes up that I don't want her to know, I'll just have her forget it, so have a party--anything goes!

Also, muns, keeping in the spirit of Ye Olde Text-Based Adventure Games, that down below there? Is a command prompt. If you feel like 'directing' Rosella to carry out actions like "get bowl" or "open door", she might just feel compelled to respond...unless it's too complicated, in which you might get a fun error message instead. (Guaranteed acceptable commands include "get", "look", "open", "close", and "use".) Have fun!]

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the perils of being rosella, not that kind of girl kthx, augh seriously wtf, bff =/= getting busy, curse: fourth wall destruction, i love my friends, a modern sort of princess, daddy, affected, family, missing daventry, gotta love that optimism, the most wonderful time of the year, rosella's journal

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