Quest 066

Mar 21, 2009 14:11

[Attempted Private//Somewhat Hackable]

Dear Alexander,

I suppose it's a bit silly that I'm writing you a letter like this. It's one thing to keep correspondence with a brother in another part of the world, and another thing entirely to try it when we're quite truly worlds apart. And even if we weren't, I don't know if I'd ever end up sending this letter to you, so...maybe I'm writing it more for myself than for you, then. Is that selfish of me, do you think?

I'm afraid you've returned home to a very selfish sister, Alexander. When I should've been ecstatic at the thought of having a new member of the family, and when I should've been overjoyed at how happy it made Mother and Daddy to see you again, I was…scared, I suppose. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy to see you-because I was, really I was-but I’d spent my whole life thinking that I was an only child, and then you came out of nowhere, a powerful magician and a hero and a prince all at once and-well. How could I possibly hold a candle to someone as wonderful as that?

I shouldn’t have felt like I needed to try, though. I see that, now. We’re twins, yes, but that doesn’t mean I need to compete with you, or feel the need to surpass you in the things I’ve seen you do. You’re a magician, Alexander, and I…I ruin everything I try with it, in one way or another. Or it feels like I do, anyway. But I’m getting there, even if it is slow going, and maybe that’s enough.

I lived as you for a day, while I was here. It was due to a curse, which I know you’ve never heard of and I haven’t explained yet, but do remind me and I will sometime. I’ve never had the chance to really get to know you other than that, you know. First you came back and then we were all together with the family, and then I was gone again and then as soon as it looked like we’d have some time to ourselves, I was brought here. I didn’t know what to think of you. I made assumptions about you and your motives that…were hasty. And, I think, wrong. I don’t know if the curse showed me the kind of person you will be when I finally meet you, but…I think it showed me what it would be like to go through the things you did. I think I understand better, now.

I really am sorry we’re still separated from each other, even though you and Mother and Daddy likely haven’t noticed; if time really stops while I’m gone, then you’ll never know where I’ve been all this time. I thought, for a while, that you’d come to rescue me, just like you did the last time. I spent the whole week waiting for you, you know. Yes, I wanted you to come and bring me home, but…I think…I wanted to see you again, too. I wanted to look at you and try to see how well you line up with all the perceptions I’ve dreamed up about you over these past months. There’s a lot of contradictions there, ones that only meeting you can solve. I’d hoped I’d be able to solve them this week, but…

I won’t give up hope that you’ll come for me, Alexander, even if I’m sad that you didn’t come when I was expecting you. And…maybe you’re as scared about having me for a sister as I am about having you for a brother. Maybe you’re worried about being good enough for our family, just like I’ve been worried about being good enough to compare to you. I admit, I don’t have much practice being a good sister. But…I know how to be a good friend, and maybe that’s how I ought to have been thinking of you, all this time.

I’m…I’m glad you came home to us. I’m glad we’ll be able to have our eighteenth birthday together, whenever I find my way home, too. And when I get there…I’ll tell you all the things I know, all the things I’ve learned, and we’ll find a way to stop Mordack together, won’t we? Maybe that’s what I was brought here to learn, after all-that it’s all fine and good to do things myself, but sometimes, we just can’t do it alone. But if we work together…that’s what’s important. Fixing things together.

I love and miss you, Alexander. There are worse things I could get for my eighteenth birthday than a twin brother.



When I was a little girl, I had plenty of ideas about what it’d be like to grow up. There were thoughts of parties, of lovely dresses, of dancing and music and laughter and myself at the very center of it all, with every eye on me. As I got older, those dreams refined themselves a little bit, and I grew less concerned with the trimmings of the event, and moreso with the event itself. As I got older still, I started to learn that things don’t always turn out quite the way we plan, and sometimes it’s enough to just be grateful for the opportunity to grow up. I can remember a time when I truly didn’t think I’d ever have the chance to. Sometimes we do things because…it’s the right thing to do, regardless of the consequences.

Once upon a time, a girl walked up a flight of stone stairs, and with every step she grew a little more certain that she’d never get to see her eighteenth birthday. Once upon a time, a girl was wrong.

It’s a beautiful day out. Spring is beginning, the gardens are blooming, the weather is growing warmer, and best of all, there’s not a dragon in sight. I really had been worried for a while, there, but I’m absolutely delighted to see that my concerns haven’t come to pass after all. And there’s even an event to go to-perhaps not exactly like the balls I’d envisioned when I was younger, but I’m sure this one will still be worthy of a little girl’s dreams. Blair always does such a wonderful job, so I’m sure this will be no exception.

It’s strange, really. I don’t feel any older today, but I do feel a little…wiser. Oh, and happy, of course, which is the most important part, too!

eighteen and loving it, daventry represent!, dragons = do not want, knights and ladies, stronger now than yesterday, i'm walking on sunshine, not traumatized yay!, i love my friends, happily ever after, time to be a princess, fairy tales, family, gotta love that optimism, the most wonderful time of the year, rosella's journal

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