Quest 038

Dec 16, 2008 21:52

[Attempted Private//Somewhat Hackable]

They're still not gone yet. How much more of this can we take? I certainly hope this isn't going to be the norm now, zombies everywhere so you can't go anywhere at night. Honestly, there are easier ways to keep people indoors, if that's the aim of it...

And why bring so many new people here in the middle of it? Bad enough they're being dropped here, confused and afraid and alone, but to throw them into the middle of a time like this--ugh.

Well, this certainly isn't the way I imagined I'd be spending Christmas.

And I might've guessed that my amulet wouldn't repel the zombies the way that my scarab did, which is really a pity. I'll have to be very careful in the future; clearly I can't assume things will work the same way here that they did in Daventry or in Tamir. But then, of course, when has anything worked the same way here that it does in Daventry?

It's rather like the dragon all over again, though, isn't it? Shut up in the safety of the castle while the land is ravaged...

Mm. I'm not I can't be scared anymore. I just...can't. Mo one expects me to be brave--but they do, don't they? That's part of being a good ruler, having the courage to face things right alongside your soldiers. I wouldn't ask one of my subjects to sacrifice themselves to a dragon for my sake. How could I ask anyone to face these zombies for me, if I don't dare do it myself?

When this is all over...I should tell him. Rue, as well, she deserves to know after all this time. And, not him. Not yet. I want to see what kind of person he is first.


With so many new people arriving here, I think the message bears repeating: it's not safe to be outside after nightfall, especially not if you're alone, so if you are stranded or in need of a place to stay, please come to the Warehouse--it's safe here, and you'll be protected from the zombies. Ask for Rosella or Sam, and we'll be glad to help you in any way we can.

Mm. Much as I dislike the thought of violence, it's just not safe to walk around defenseless anymore, daylight or not. And since my amulet doesn't seem to ward off the zombies the way my scarab did...well. It wouldn't do to get out of practice with my bow, anyway.

Is everyone still all right? Please let me know.

At least the snowfall is pretty, though. I hope it lasts until all this is over...whenever that may be. It'd be nice to go for a simple winter walk without having to worry about being attacked at every turn.

the perils of being rosella, rosella is not amused, night of the living dead, knights and ladies, i love my friends, time to be a princess, a modern sort of princess, deadlier than cupid's bow, this place is weird beyond belief, curse: zombie plot, adventures, rosella's journal

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