AN EXPLANATION IS NEEDED FOR THIS STORY: so I actually wrote this way back last August (holy crap has it really been that long?), in the middle of Arashi's 10th year anniversary activities, because I kept on thinking about how Nino has spent over half of his life in Johnny's. I got the fic beta'd by the always wonderful
aeslis, and then I was like, "Okay
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I love all of the game metaphors and how Arashi each takes care of him and nags him and how it's reciprocated no matter who is having a rougher go at the time. You can really feel their friendship and understanding of each other.
You-- I just-- *sputters* Thank you so so much! Wow I really was not expecting such an in depth comment to this, and I really don't know what to tell you, other than thanks. I was definitely iffy about the characterization and to hear that you didn't have difficulty believing it was Nino was really gratifying. tbh I thought a lot about the documentary too, when I was writing this; I remember that the first time I watched it, I was surprised that Nino was just so nonchalant about everything. He just rolls through life, without too much bothering him. But he's human too, right? He has to worry about himself sometimes. So that's sort of what I was trying to express with this fic.
Your comment is amazing, thank you so much for reading and leaving me your thoughts. ♥
Nino's life outlook is just so different. At least it's very different from my own. Again, what we see on TV and in interviews is Nino-as-far-as-Nino-shows-us, but everything that was written here was so consistent with what I've watched/read of him that it was kind of eerie. In a gooood way, mind.
So thank YOU for posting something that was a bit scary for you to do. I'm also curious as to why you thought it was so vastly different from your usual stuff (since I haven't found an Arashi story of yours I didn't like!)
I guess that sort of ties in with why I thought this was different from my usual style. I write a lot of humour and/or plot, and this had neither. I'm not too good with prose and making words sound good, if you know what I mean. And if I write internal monologue, it's more like, "oh my god oh my god what is happpening" play-by-play stream of consciousness, rather than taking-a-step-back-and-reflecting-on-stuff thought processes. I wanted to see if I ( ... )
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