Severed gas line found at home of Perriello brother The dark side of American protest Dem Congressman's Office: His Life Has Been Threatened Over Health Care Bill Bart Stupak Received Threatening Messages for Health Care Vote Democratic lawmakers facing death threats after health bill signed Rep. Markey receiving threats of violence over health care vote Threats, Violence Against Democrats Who Voted For Healthcare Bill Please, please reassure me, flist. Tell me that Republican members of Congress are using the strongest, loudest language possible to condemn these acts. Because if they aren't, I'm really afraid for my country. And it's not because I'm a progressive. It's because I'm a US citizen and I'm more than a little nervous right about now. This is absolutely not about politics.
These aren't isolated incidents, obviously. The links I've posted are only a few examples. Someone with some kind of authority needs to tell them to STOP. And even if they do, I'm not sure it's not too late.