Jun 11, 2010 08:51
And this be why trying to track food confuses me. I didn't go grocery shopping last night, so I'm out of breakfast fixing. I picked the healthiest looking thing at the 'bucks - a protein plate. This consists of Apple slices, grapes (that's right, I spit in the face of my allergies... and I will pay), a hard boiled egg, 3/4 of a multigrain pita, and some PB.
Here's the nutrition breakdown of that:
Calories - 480
fat - 30% of daily intake
cholesterol - 72%
Sodium - 30%
Carbs - 18%
- Fibre - 24%
- Sugars 16g
Protein - 30%
Vit A - 20%
C - 4%
Calcium - 15%
Iron - 20%
Suddenly, this does not seem to healthy.. and I'm kinda afraid to eat it. This is why I stay right the fuck away from trying to actually measure shit. It freaks me out and I feel like I shouldn't be eating anything.
My general rule for building a healthy plate: Half veggies, 1/4 carbs 1/4 protein. Which I'm sure makes all you ZOMG YOU CAN'T MIX CARBS AND PROTEIN people freak.. but whatever. At least I'm not scared to eat.
Like I am right now.