Jun 05, 2005 14:00
you know, I havent really read journals since like the 2nd or something. and I dont really feel like going through all that. so if there is something you really want me to read then just tell me.
Friday...uh, Ill be short. Forrest and I left after the rally that was right before 3rd period. we went to the beach and played frisbee. had to go out in the water a couple times (and eventually fell in a couple times) and, well, cold water is not good. we rented some movies. then we went poaching hot tubs again. we went to like the only hotel we havent gone to, and we thought it was going to be the hardest spa to get into, but it was actually the easiest. then we went to another one. then on our way to the last one I lost my flipflop and thats lost out in the lake. came home and tried to watch a movie but couldnt stay awake. my face broke out cause I forgot to wash the clorine off of it.
went to prom last night. it sucked. I had fun danceing and messing around with my friends and stuff. but there was just an overall feeling of suck. I think CJ, Michael and I were the only guys without dates. well, technically CJ and I were dates. but you know what I mean.
then we went to this mad awesome party on Bucks beach and there were tons of people... only not. we got there and there were like 5 people just showing up. the only parties after prom were private ones, and one in Squaw Valley. I was gonna go to CJs dads cause his cousin was up with some friends. but I decided not to.
today at church wasnt bad. Peter did the sermon cause our pastor was gone. it was really good. maybe Ill type the story later. Peter was funny..one of the kids during childrens time was talking about how he saw a snail eat a spider, and Peter mentioned it during the sermon. I forget what he said but it was funny. well basically what I got out of it:
if you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of this world.
S stands for Stupid
I stands for Idiotic
N stands for Nonsense
Kasy actually came to church and Elise ditched her (she stayed the night at her house) so I took her to Taco Bell and we hung out for like 30 minutes or so.
I drove home, and our washer has overflowed 3 times already. the house is flooded. all our stuff under the house is soaked. the house smells. and we cant even do a load of laundry and flush the toilet at the same time. and it flooded once yesterday. the carpet and wood outside the laundry room is completely ruined. and my mom doesnt want to call the land lords cause theyre old and senile and dont have any clue what theyre doing. oh we'll pay for water, sewer and garbage... actually only sewer and garbage... no wait, actually only garbage... no nevermind, youre on your oun with everything. come on, you think you could pay that, I mean thats starded for the land lords to pay. plus we're already payin them 1200 a month for this old tiny crapy house.
well, this day is going to be over soon. Im going to have dont nothing productive. school is going to suck. and Im gonna keep failing. oh well whatever, nothing new. later