Was the Letter You Left One Lie Long - Chapter 1

Jul 29, 2012 01:43

Title: Was the Letter You Left One Lie Long - Chapter 1 
Author: primipassi
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or pairing: Dean/Castiel 
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Language, Eventual Explicit Scenes
Word Count: 1576 - this chapter - WIP
Summary: Castiel, one of two Chaplains at Marigold Hospital, had dealt with a variety of people, seeing as how this was a religiously pluralistic environment that also housed many personalities. Then there was Dean, whose blatant sexual advances had rattled him well past his strict Catholic core. Suddenly, Castiel was doubting himself, and the people he'd followed his entire life.

Castiel yawned as he made his way through the halls of Marigold Hospital. He'd been summoned early since Uriel wasn't here this weekend and couldn't do the early morning callings. The legs of Castiel's black pants ticked at his bare ankles as he turned the last corridor to see the familiar rush of ER faces passing about him. Ruby and Pamela walked out of one of his charges' rooms, giggling. Castiel picked up on their conversation,

“Damn, they were hot!” Pamela smirked unabashedly,

“I would so tap that,“ Ruby said before an obnoxiously loud laugh, causing Castiel to roll his eyes. He would have hoped that the two would have more decency than this, especially since they were nurses, for Heaven's sake. Speaking of Heaven's sake, Castiel had a job to do. He eyed the girls, and when they saw him, they shut their mouths abruptly, although Castiel could hear them snorting as they left. With one last glance in their direction, Castiel turned to his first room, and his long day began.

It wasn't until mid-day that Castiel got to the room. He called it 'The Room' now, due to the 'hoorah' he'd been hearing from the nurses over the past few hours. It had become particularly famous, especially with the women in this section of the hospital. Castiel had the luxury of hearing their over excited giggles off and on during his check ins on the first hand full of his charges.

Needless to say, he was hoping to get the chance to tell this man, who seemed keen on flirting with every woman that walked into the room, to get a hold of his libido. It was too bad that he didn't know the 'Man' flirted in general, not just with women. It was also too bad that the 'Man' didn't give a shit that he was a Chaplain, either, which was another thing Castiel would soon learn. Castiel made his way into the room, looking down at the sheet of paper in his hand that had the patient and his brother's name on it,

“Sam and Dean Winchester, I presume?” he asked, looking  first up at Sam, who rested with his bed up slightly so he could see what was going on in the room. He had tubes connected to his arms, and some of them led under the mint blue gown. He offered Castiel a slightly pained smile, and Castiel nodded respectfully back. He then turned to address Sam's older brother. He stopped short, though, when his eyes met Dean's. His gaze skittered down the other man's body, and then back up to green eyes that sparkled with sharp interest.

“Sir,” Dean greeted, and Castiel tried to ignore the tingling that danced through his body when he heard the other man's low voice. It reminded him of dark chocolate - smooth, but a bit bitter.

Dean didn't miss a beat, and grinned at Castiel like he had just figured out his preys weakness. It should have been intimidating - Castiel should have felt offended. He didn't, though. In fact, his heart decided it would be a great idea to pound like a loud drum in his chest. He had an internal battle with it, attempting to grasp some sort of control. Luckily, he was a man of restraint, and while he couldn't control what went on inside his body, he was avidly trained at the art of keeping everything inside like Fort Knox. His nerves, for the most part, went unnoticed.

“You must be his older brother...Dean, is it?” His voice had lowered an octave, and while he could feel insides broil in shame at his obvious attraction to this man, he knew the change wasn't quite enough for the two brothers in the room to make note of. However, he didn't miss the almost imperceptible twitch of Dean's ear after he spoke his name. It seemed the interest was mutual. Though Castiel knew there was absolutely no way he would allow himself to act upon it. None what-so-ever.

“Oh, no, he’s actually my boyfriend,” Dean replied, exchanging his weight from his left to his right foot with an easy nonchalance. Castiel’s insides roiled, and unfortunately, Dean caught the flicker of jealousy that flew across his eyes before he regained a hold on himself. The brown eyebrow above Dean’s green eyes moved up ever so slightly and Castiel coughed to cover up his desperate search for a response,

“I, uh…that is very strange…because…the, um, papers said you were his…brother..” he tripped over his words dumbly and had to chastise himself. His awkward reputation really did proceed him, at times.

Dean huffed a laugh, looking down and then back up to Castiel with a huge grin that, were Castiel not a very devout man, would probably have him drooling. Those perfectly white, straight teeth; the attractive little dimples that somehow gave him a rustic kind of cuteness; and little crinkles at the corners of the eyes weaving the tale of a man who wasn’t afraid to laugh.

Castiel frowned, disturbed by the direction his thoughts were heading, as well as the fact that he felt like he was about to be on the butt end of a very pointless joke.

Dean laughed, “Hey, man, I was just jokin’,” his smile was still wide as he leaned forward to run a placating hand down Castiel’s arm, leaving behind a searing path of heat. Castiel didn’t look away or try to flinch from the path of the touch. It made his heart race, and he wanted more, but he couldn‘t give in. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his own body, and the thought scared him even more than all those stories about being punished for impure thoughts.

Of course, Dean didn’t stop there. Castiel had no doubts that he’d seen Dean’s gaze drag all the way down his body. It was so obvious, it might as well have been tangible.

There was some grumbling that probably emanated from a rather annoyed Sam. Castiel didn’t take any notice, not with the steam that one could almost see coming from his ears. Castiel had dealt with the obnoxious, the atheists, the misinformed, the snobby, the creepy and the down right rude on more than one occasion. It came with the territory, one that was religiously pluralistic and harbored a large variety of personality types.

However, not once had he been faced with blatantly crude sexual advances. From a man, none the less! This might as well have been the sixth layer of Hell! Castiel was exaggerating the circumstances, of course, but this was far from okay, and definitely not something he knew quite how to deal with. In the end, he decided to use authority.

“My name is not ‘Man’, Mr. Winchester, it is Chaplain Castiel, and I would greatly appreciate it if you would use it,” Castiel got as near to a growl as he could get, voice low, teeth clenched and eyes narrowed threateningly. Dean looked slightly shocked at the change in mood. The shock, however, was replaced with a challenging spark a second later,

“Well, Captain Cas, or whatever,” Dean began with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket as he leaned in to level his eyes with Castiel’s calmly, “My name is not Mr. Winchester, it’s Dean, and it’d be awesome if you’d used it…which I’m sure you will, under many different circumstances,” he glanced down suggestively at Castiel’s lips as he bit his own.…oh, Jesus, those lips. God, why did you give this man such amazing lips…the things I could do with those - No! No, Castiel. This is not right. Castiel was fuming in a fight to dominate his whirling mind, and he hated himself when he felt his dick twitch underneath his robe and beneath his pants.

He’d been able to control his need since he’d started chaplaincy, he could continue to now. He could, but the question was, would he? No. He would not give this little demon the satisfaction of winning. He may be hot, but - okay, he was more than hot, he was practically Greek God sexy, only in modern times, and Mother Mary, he has really long eyelashes.

Castiel backed away a bit, sighing and straightening out his robe compulsively even though it was pristine and wrinkle free. He really didn’t want to spend any more time with Dean’s face five inches from his than he absolutely had to, the other man’s warm breath just barely detectable on his nose and cheek bones was really only making things worse.

“I do not know what a Captain Cas is, but I will call you Mr. Winchester, and you will call me Chaplain Castiel,” he stated, tone leaving no room for defiance, “Now, Mr. Winchester, I have a few things I must gather to help your…brother, and I expect when I return to be treated with respect.”

Of course, Castiel knew he could expect all he wanted, but if the man’s previous actions played true to his character, this Dean Winchester wouldn’t just give up on something so easily. Dean looked thoughtful, leaving Castiel to shift uncomfortably and stare, not sure what else to do.

“Okay,” Dean shrugged, and crossed his arms. He didn’t look away, though, and the absence of any type of repentance or defeat in his eyes proved what Castiel already knew - this little battle was far from over.

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