Nov 18, 2005 00:45
[17.11.2005 23:20:45] Rachel: You know what annoys me more than anything now though
[17.11.2005 23:21:00] Rachel: people who still think we're back in the Console Wars
[17.11.2005 23:21:39] Rachel: escpecially the ones who watch G4 and think Sega and Atari still have a shot at the nesxt big console
[17.11.2005 23:21:58] Rachel: I am not joking, someone acually said this to me
[17.11.2005 23:22:16] Rachel: This was at a McDonalds
[17.11.2005 23:22:34] Rachel: I was sitting by myself, minding my own business
[17.11.2005 23:22:48] Rachel: when one of the cleaners asks me if I liek videogames
[17.11.2005 23:22:57] Rachel: I nod
[17.11.2005 23:23:08] Rachel: and then he starts talking...
[17.11.2005 23:23:27] Rachel: From his jumbled mass of words, this is what I understood
[17.11.2005 23:24:04] Rachel: Nintendo bought the rights to Playstation, Xbox won this generation. Sega and Atari are working on the greatest next gen console EVAR
[17.11.2005 23:24:14] Rahul: are you sure you didn't dream this
[17.11.2005 23:24:23] Rachel: oh how I wish i had
[17.11.2005 23:24:37] Rachel: He didn't even know about PS3 or Revy
[17.11.2005 23:24:47] Rachel: finally I asked him to shut up
[17.11.2005 23:24:59] Rachel: and told him,
[17.11.2005 23:25:57] Rachel: Playstation is not dead, Xbox did not win, Atari is dead, Sega makes games, and for fuck's sake, the console wars are over, get a life
[17.11.2005 23:26:11] Rachel: he left after that,
[17.11.2005 23:26:37] Rachel: but apparently, he as doing this to anyone who looked under 25, as he was blabbing the same shit to a young man as I left
[17.11.2005 23:27:20] Rachel: This has made me lose faith in humanity, and honestly...I don't think I want to associate with the gaming community anymore
[17.11.2005 23:27:44] Rachel: This kid reeked of gamefaqs
[17.11.2005 23:27:57] Rachel: he mentioned shit he read on Forums
[17.11.2005 23:28:02] Rachel: Forums!