And I decided to take part~
Anyways, got this from
mosque 1. Reply to this post with "BLUH!", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I love
Zero Punctuation, and am not surprised that a couple of these were picked. XD I picked this cause Yahtzee looking all professional like this is awesome. Also makes for a fitting icon when I'm about to school you on stuff.
Can be interpreted as 'hung up' or 'hanging around'. God, Yahtzee's video clips work beautifully as LJ icons.
So Princess Tutu is probably one of THE best mahou shojo's I've watched and I love FakirxTutu to bits and that's all there really is to say on the matter.
Self explanatory.
I see this gif so much on the internet and therefore had to snag it as an icon.