Title: Beginner's Luck
Anonyme1 Word Count: 1199
Rating: T
Characters: Jess Parker, Freddy Herlihy, Hilary Becker, Matt Anderson, Fiona Black
Summary: Jess and Freddy have a reason to celebrate.
Author's Note: I really don't know where this bit of insanity came from. Many thanks to
morrigans_eve and
whuffle for their help and feedback. Thanks to
whuffle for the title as well.
Jess hated coming in on one of her rare Saturdays off, but she’d promised Lester that she’d have all the new civilian personnel files ready by Monday. With everything that had happened since New Dawn imploded and the whole King’s Cross mess, they’d acquired a lot of new staff rather quickly and as such, she and Freddy had been unable to get everything sorted the day before.
Standing up, Jess stretched. She smiled as she thought about the looks she’d gotten as she’d passed Fee and Matt in the corridor when she’d arrived. Granted, jeans, hoodie, and trainers were not her normal attire, but it was the weekend and damn it, she didn’t live in heels and short skirts no matter how it might seem.
She walked over to the small coffee pot she kept in her hardly used office and refreshed her cup. Glancing back at the much smaller stack of folders, she was estimating another ninety minutes to finish and then she could get on with enjoying her weekend.
Resuming her place at the desk, Jess got back to work and in a little under an hour she was down to the last few files. She sighed as she picked up and opened the next folder. She checked that all the correct forms had been filled out and that all documents pertaining to the Official Secrets Act were signed.
Happy that everything was in order, she checked to find out whether the person was military or civilian just in case she’d ended up with one of the military files by accident. Looking over the job code, Jess was satisfied that it was one of her files and not Freddy’s.
She closed the folder and started to grab the next when she froze. Quickly reopening the previous folder, she looked at the job code again. Then she stared at it. And then she was on her feet and out the door to find Freddy.
Jess rounded the corner by the armoury at full speed and was stopped dead in her tracks when she plowed into Becker. Beside him, Matt and Fee, who’d been conversing as they walked, stopped talking to look at her in surprise.
Becker grabbed hold of her waist to steady her, ignoring the fact that she’d done a damn good job of knocking the wind out of him. “Jess?”
“Oh, God, Becker,” she panted. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. Is everything okay?”
Jess was bouncing up and down, unable to contain her excitement despite Becker’s rather firm hold. “It’s brilliant. No, it’s fantastic. Actually, it’s more than fantastic really, but I don’t know what would be better than that, but it is. It’s absolutely amazingly, brilliantly, FANTASTIC!”
Reaching up, Jess placed her hands on either side of his head, pulled him down, and smacked her lips against his. Freeing herself from his grasp, she ran off saying something about having to find Freddy, leaving a very stunned Becker in her wake.
“Well, Jess is certainly happy about something,” Matt stated, unable to hide his amusement at what he and Fee had just witnessed.
Fee laughed. “Wonder how long it will take before it registers.”
“For which one, Becker or Jess?”
Becker turned around and glared at the pair. “Shut it, both of you,” he growled as he pushed his way past them.
“Hils, weren’t you on your way for some coffee?” Fee asked delightedly. The only response she got was the slamming of his office door.
“You’d think he’d be happy,” Matt smirked.
Grinning at Matt, Fee looked up at the camera in the corner of the corridor. “I think we need to go make sure the cameras are working in this corridor.”
Matt laughed and nodded his agreement as they started towards the surveillance control room. “You know, I think this may prove to be more fun than shooting him with the EMD.”
“He did it, Freddy. He did it,” Jess announced excitedly as she rushed into Freddy’s office.
Freddy’s head shot up from the file she’d been working on. “Jess?”
“It’s true. He’s actually done it. I saw the file.”
“Jess, what are you talking about?”
“What about Lester?” Freddy asked as she reached for her tea.
“He’s finally hired himself a PA.”
Freddy’s hand dropped from the mug she was about to pick up. “Seriously?”
Jess nodded her head enthusiastically.
Standing up, Freddy quickly moved out from behind her desk, grabbing and hugging Jess. “No more ‘Freddy I need you to bring me that file or Parker, bring me a coffee?”
Jess’ smile was huge. “Nope. Well at least we won’t be hearing those things on a regular basis. I suppose we might still on her day off or if she’s sick or something, but daily, nope.”
“Oh, this is just, just, so cool! We need to celebrate. How close are you to being done?”
“I had three files left.”
Freddy looked over at her stack. “I’ve got,” she paused as she reached over and counted, “Five more. Then I can turn them in to Captain Becker and then we’re going to lunch. And I’m buying the first round,” she stated as she turned back to face a now very pale Jess. “Jess?”
“Oh God,” Jess whimpered.
“Jess, what is it? What’s wrong?”
“Oh. My. God.”
Freddy led Jess to a chair and forced her to sit. Crouching in front of her, she placed a hand on Jess’ shoulder. “Jess, are you okay?”
“I did something bad. Really, really, really bad.”
“I doubt that.”
Jess looked up at her. “No, you don’t understand. It’s bad bad.”
“Jess, what did you do?”
“I kissed Becker?” she answered timidly.
Freddy dropped her hand and tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle a laugh.
Jess glared at her. “It’s not funny, Freddy.”
Freddy nodded. “Okay, so you kissed Captain Becker. Which is bad, right?”
Jess nodded furiously.
“Right, so was it a quick peck or did you snog him senseless?”
“Kay, obviously just a quick peck then.” Freddy walked back around her desk to sit down in her own chair. Leaning forward, she looked at Jess. “So it was nothing. You were just excited and if it had been maybe Matt or perhaps Connor, you would probably have done the same thing, right?”
Jess thought for a minute. “Maybe.” After thinking about it again, Jess sighed. “He’s never going to forgive me.”
Freddy rolled her eyes. “Jess, it was nothing. It was just a quick peck on the cheek - “
“Lips,” Jess interjected.
“Oh. Right.”
“It’ll be okay.” At Jess’ disbelieving look, Freddy continued, “It will be, you’ll see. So go finish your files and we’ll meet in the car park in twenty, twenty-five minutes or something thereabouts?”
Freddy watched Jess walk dejectedly out of her office. As she finished going over the last of her files, she decided to gauge the captain’s mood when she dropped everything off. Maybe if she said something about going to lunch with Jess to celebrate the good news he wouldn’t hold what Jess had done against her. And if she happened to mention where they were going, well, where was the harm in that?