Cutting it to the wire there guys! hehe
Voting will end on Sunday at 9pm GMT.
Remember you are voting on the set as a whole, so take into account how the 2 icons work with each other.
Remember you do not have to be participating, or even a member to vote, everyone with a live journal can vote. I'm afraid I can't count annonymous votes though to avoid cheating. So please ask all your LJ friends to come and vote.
To vote, simply leave a comment to this entry, all comments will be screened. You will vote for the icons you wish to win the following categories: First place set, Second place set, Third place set and the special category for this challenge which is Best Individual Icon (for example - icon 1A)
You don't have to give reasons for your choices but it might be nice to, as then afterwards I can unscreen the comments and people can see nice things written about their icons. If you wish to leave concrit for any of the icons here you are also free to do so, however I will be checking to make sure it is concrit intended to help icon makers, and not just negative feedback.
Just a few more quick notes before you vote;
+ Please do ask your friends to vote, as a contest doesn't work without votes. However don't show them your entries and ask them to vote for YOU. That's cheating.
+ If you are participating in a round you MUST vote.
+ Please don't vote for yourself.
+ You may vote for an icon in both the special category and one of the normal categories (e.g 1st place and best textures).
+ When voting please try to vote for the icons you think are the best technically and artistically, rather than for subjective reasons such as one with a character you like etc.
+ If you have any questions leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
Right! Now that that's out of the way, on to the gorgeous entries!
Set 1
A - B
Set 2
A - B
Set 3
A - B
Set 4
A - B
Set 5
A - B
Set 6
A - B
Set 7
A - B
Set 8
A - B
Set 9
A - B
Set 10
A - B
Remember, leave a comment with your votes for 1st place set, 2nd place set, 3rd place set and Best Individual Icon.
For the sake of clarity, please make it really obvious which icon you're voting for in which place (i.e please don't just write '4, 7, 9' for example).