Fan Fiction Challenge 3: Crossovers

Apr 30, 2007 17:08

Apologies for neglecting the community lately.  I'm absolutely buried under revision for a big neuropsychology exam on the 11th and haven't had any free time.  Feel free to post as normal, though.

The mood theme some people are waiting for will be completed after my exam.  Sorry for the delay.  Other features such as icon challenges will also be coming after the exam.

You are now welcome to post your entries for the sins and virtues fan fiction challenge, using the following posting guidelines:

When posting fan fiction (for challenges or otherwise), please remember to keep the bits outside the cut as brief as possible.  Not everyone at the community is interested in fan fiction posts, so the happy medium is to take up as little space on their friends pages as possible.  Please use the following posting format, and if you have more than one story for the challenge please put them all into one post.

Your post should follow the normal community guidelines for posting fan fiction, with one additional line in the info giving the number of the challenge and link to the challenge instructions.  It would be good if you could include the genre of your story.  Here is an example of the ideal posting format:

Title: Dilemmas
Challenge: 2A (Sins and Virtues)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Pairings: Abby/Connor
Characters: Abby and Connor
Spoilers: Episode six 
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to ITV, etc.
Short Summary:  A brief summary of the story, I can't think to make one up right now.

(Then a link to the story, or the story behind a cut)

Challenge 3: I recieved some positive comments about the more specific instructions and prompts I posted last time, but unfortunately I don't have enough time right now to come up with prompts for the next challenge in the same detail.  The idea is to write a crossover story between Primeval and another fandom of your choice.  As always, Challenge A is to write a drabble of exactly 100 words and Challenge B is to write a longer story of at least 300 words.  You can write as many entries as you want for either challenge or for both.  Each story should feature Primeval and one other fandom, but you can write more than one story featuring the same fandom if you would like.  There will be extra "points" (no idea how yet) for coming up with a plausible way for the two fandoms to meet, but this is not necessary. Your stories must be rated no higher than 15.  Your stories should not be AU (any more than its a crossover) but can take place before the events of episode six.  The deadline is two weeks. 
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