3 fics - 2 Nick/Jenny and 1 Nick/Lester ficlet

Jan 01, 2009 18:41

Title: No Way Out
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: T
Spoilers: Up to the end of Season 2 finale.
Summary: Angsty Nick/Jenny drabble.

On my LJ or at The ARC

Title: Glimmer
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: T (only just)
Spoilers: Up to the end of Season 2 finale.
Summary: Jenny/Nick seasonal ficlet.

On my LJ or at The ARC

Title: Hard To Categorise
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: T
Spoilers: Up to the end of Season 2 finale.
Summary: A short ficlet about Lester and Nick's interaction. Slash.

On my LJ or at The ARC

fanfic: het, fanfic, fanfic: slash, fanfic: rated 12/13+

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