Drabble inspired by an exchange with Rodlox.

Jan 22, 2008 15:20

Title: Reflections
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Pairings: Canon only.
Spoilers: For 1.6 and 2.1 and two in general. Sort of. Very sort of.
Length/Word Count: Drabble - meaning 100 exactly
Disclaimer: No attempt is made to supersede any copyrights in the TV series Primeval. This is not being passed off as being authorised by the series creators or ITV. It is written solely for amusement and no profit is made.
Short Summary: For a drabble? One small step for Helen?


As she stepped through the anomaly, grinning wickedly to herself at the memory of Nick's face, it occurred to Helen to wonder who the pretty and anxious looking brunette standing beside Lester had been. She thought she knew every civilian at the ARC, and that woman definitely had not been there when she and Nick had last stepped back into the Permian.

Maybe Nick did have a girlfriend after all, despite his denials.

If so, he'd pay.

Only that would have to wait for later, she realised with alarm, until she figured out why this wasn't the Permian after all...

x-Posted to my own LJ

fanfic, fanfic: rated pg, fanfic: drabbles, fanfic: helen-centric

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