Fic - It's a Love Story (In a Sort of Unconventional Kind of Way) - multiple, pg/pg13

Oct 15, 2011 17:02

Title: It's a Love Story (In a Sort of Unconventional Kind of Way)
Author: merry_gentry
Characters: Hilary Becker, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Danny Quinn, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Sarah Page, mentions of Helen Cutter, James Lester, Oliver Leek, Connor's various couplings and singles
Rating: pg/pg-13
Warnings: Fail-boats in love, teenagers angsting over being a fail-boat in love, British senior/high school!AU.
Spoilers: None/AU
A/N: Warning - before you lies some of the most self-indulgent crap ever written. Teenagers are, as I recall from, y'know, having been one, absolutely ridiculous and entirely preoccupied with their own FEEEEELINGS and sense of self-drama, and that is my only excuse. merihn, I hope you're happy. Written for a prompt on comment_fic. Has a happy ending.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be...I just enjoy writing fic about them!

Summary: Prompt written for: Connor/Becker, Highschool au

X-posted to primeval_denial and primeval_slash. Sorry for the pimping ;)

.spoiler free, .het, character: abby, character: connor, pairing: stephen/nick, .comedy, .slash, .au, character: danny, .preslash, .gen, pairing: becker/connor, character: becker, character: ryan

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