Title: A New Dawn - Chapter 4: The Place I Call Home
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~3100 (total so far: ~10100)
Spoilers: Everything up to the end of series four is fair game. Anything after that is purely coincidental.
Summary: My own take on where Primeval will/should go in series five. Danny and Patrick have a long-overdue brotherly chat. An anomaly leads to a reunion, and Helen is left wondering exactly what's going on in Philip's head.
Notes: I've tried to stay as true to the tone of the show as possible, but there may be a little more angst than the series usually contains. Also, some of the language used is slightly more coarse than in canon, but that's a rare occurrence and not hugely offensive.
Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, or any of the characters.
Read it here.
Previous parts:
Chapter 1: ReflectionsChapter 2: A Lot To HandleChapter 3: Same Old Problem