Title: Sleepless Nights
rollieo122 Characters: Becker, also mentions Matt, Abby, Danny, Connor, Sarah, Lester, Emily, Cutter and Jenny
Rating: PG, I guess
Word Count: ~710
Summary: Instead, after waking up after yet another nightmare, he settled for another sleepless night.
Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, ITV and BBC America and various other people do...
Spoilers: The webisodes, 4x01 and 4x03 for definite... So general series 4 mostly.
Author's Note: Well, this is my first fan fiction for quite a long time... I guess I was inspired by the new series, and the webisodes more than anything. This has been knocking around in my mind for a while, kinda writing itself, until the a couple of weeks ago, when I wrote half of it. Since then it sat half finished on my hard drive until the other night, when I finally finished it.
Oh, I have a challenge - bonus points if you spot the CSI NY reference, and tell me why it's also relevant to Primeval. But now, I shall stop rambling and let you read...
Sleepless Nights at my journal