Title: A Wish...
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Spoiler for the end of S.2.
Summary: If Nick Cutter could go back in time, would he change it? All of it? ANY of it?
Disclaimer: Don't own, not profiting. I don't own the song 'Airplanes', either, which is by B.O.B.
Notes: I feel like I have to disclaim here. I normally don't like rap at all, but I like this song a lot, and I think it's because it's kind of true. Something you love can very easily become something you HATE. And that fits so perfectly with everyone's favourite emotionally stunted Scotsman, Cutter. (For this fic, I used the B.O.B and Hayley Williams version of the song, not the one with Eminem.)
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? )