
Jul 02, 2010 01:02

The story is over! Thank you, thank you so much to everyone who's been reading and offering feedback and who took the whole premise and the 'threesome' aspect with a grain of salt. I've never written a threesome before (or any slash, for that matter!) so this was a huge learning curve for me. This ending is a total schmaltz-fest, but I figure that with everything Connor and Abby and (especially) Eye Patch Connor have been through, they're more than due for a flowers-and-dreams happy ending. Eff you, realism! I'm toying with the idea of making a bunch of ficlets taking place after the end of this story--little peeks into their world as their lives go on.

And, of course, an extra-special thanks to Evenstar_Estel, without whom none of this story would exist.

Title: Triptych (Epilogue)
Rating: PG13
Genre: Romance, some humour, some angst
Warnings: smut , threesome!smut
Summary:  AU for s.3. When another Connor Temple from a different time and place comes through an anomaly and into their lives, a lot of unexpected problems--and tensions--arise between Connor and Abby. And Connor.
Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, Connor, Abby, or any of the other characters you recognize; nor do I own Eye Patch Connor, who is the creation of Evenstar_Estel.

Notes: Again, I'm fooling around with the timeline of the third series. This epilogue takes place many, many months after the end of the last chapter, though it does reference things that happen at the end of the third series. And Jack puts in a small appearance here, as well. Totally mucking about with the third series, but what the hell.

( ( Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3*, Chapter 4, Chapter 5*, Chapter 6*, Chapter 7)
(Entries marked with a * are locked for adult content.)

Epilogue )


.romance, fic, pairing: abby/connor, .angst, .threesome +, .smut, character: other, .humour

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