Title: Amnesia
Author: XxbagpussxX aka Prehistoric Cat
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, slash, het
Characters/Pairings: Connor/Nathan (OC), Abby/Danny
Disclaimer: Not mine, no copyright intended
A/N: This story was born out of a plot twist I removed from another fic (The Last Man on Earth) because it left me with too many loose ends to tie up. It's grown into a bit of a monster! The plot does focus mostly on the story of Nathan throughout, but there is a small sub-plot with a slashy element which comes to a head in the final chapter (but keeps within the PG rating, so nothing graphic or icky if that sort of thing bothers you.) Anyways ... hope you enjoy this little departure from my usual pairing.
Could Professor Nathan Griffiths really be Danny Quinn's long lost brother, Patrick?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4