Title: Three's Company (2/5)
Rating: 15 for now
Genre: Romance, some humour, some angst
Warnings: smut (later), threesome!smut
Summary: AU for s.3. When another Connor Temple from a different time and place comes through an anomaly and into their lives, Abby and Connor have decisions to make and tensions to resolve.
Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, Connor, Abby, or any of the other characters you recognize; nor do I own Eye Patch Connor, who is the creation of Evenstar_Estel
Notes: So, like Helen Cutter I'm screwing around with timelines here. This whole story takes place during the third series, sometime after Cutter was killed, and references things that happen during the series. Jack, however, remains absent and I'm stretching time to a remarkable degree in order to accommodate the story as well as the established Connor-and-Abby relationship. I hope it's not too difficult to follow!
Chapter 1)
Chapter 2 )