Pic!Spam Sunday - Abby and Connor

May 24, 2009 22:09

We haven't done one of these for a while, but as everyone else is shy ::g:: I'm doing it this week and I'm being totally self-indulgent. We've had pic!spams for most of the characters individually, slashy pic!spams, episode specific pic!spams, silly pic!spams, informative creature pic!spams, boy pic!spams and girl pic!spams, so now I'm having a het pairing pic!spam, as I don't think we've had one of those yet.

And since I'm doing it, we're having an Abby and Connor pic!spam. If that's not your thing, I will usher you gently in the direction of our 'be brave and volunteer, or just suggest a theme if you're a wee bit shy' sign up post, which can be located here so that you can volunteer or suggest one that's more to your liking :)

Pics are from a variety of sources - the high quality promos are courtesy of shootastic, kmoney_icons' mad pic finding skills or from sfuniverse.com. Screencaps are either done by yours truly or seraphina_snape. As always, clicking on the pic takes you through to the bigger version on LJ, although for the high quality promos the even bigger ones can be found on the named sites.

Pics are up to 3.08, so beware of spoilers (although I don't think there's anything here plot related and I resisted that thing that's very spoilery in 3.08 itself. Aren't I good?)

ETA: And I forgot to mention that as it's a pic!spam you're actively encouraged to post your favourite Abby and Connor pics in the comments.

pairing: abby/connor, media: pic!spam

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