Wed Fic Rec: Negotiated Space by black_eyedgirl

Apr 08, 2009 23:05

Title: Negotiated Space
Author: black_eyedgirl
Rating: R
Pairing: Connor/Nick/Stephen
Spoilers: Post Episode 2.3
Author's website: primeval fanfic tag

Why should you read this? Because it's really well-written, in character, angsty but ending on a hopeful note threesome fic. Connor's voice, in particular, rings true, and there are some wonderful turns of phrases:

Stephen knew from the moment the two of them stepped out of the car, together when they shouldn’t be, and too close. It was easy to spot the difference now, or at least it seemed that way; Nick was all smiles and easy words with Connor, and had only silence for Stephen.

The world has changed in a myriad of ways, and Nick, Connor and Stephen all have to find their new spaces in it.

Negotiated Space

ETA: And I forgot to link to the rec sign up post. If you'd like to pimp your favourite fics, please go and leave a comment here to sign up for next week's rec. The more, the merrier!

pairing: connor/nick/stephen, recs, genre: threesome and moresome, genre: slash

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